Monday, November 24, 2008

Apple iPhone Internet technology infringement of First Instance

EMGTechnology Company (hereinafter referred to as "EMG") filed suit Monday, Apple said the iPhone line for a technical violation of a Los Angeles real estate developer Elliot Gottfurcht and other two co-inventors of the patent.

EMG today to the City of Tyler, Texas, U.S. District Court in the proceedings. Said the lawsuit, iPhone for the small mobile phone screen designed for browsing the Web and display some technical violations of the high-Te Fuqi and two co-inventor last month and was transferred to the EMG of a patent. Apple spokesman Susan Lang Gelun (SusanLundgren) refused to comment, saying Apple did not discuss the lawsuit.

Los Angeles Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro law firm partner Stanley Gibson said, EMG has not yet considered sued RIM and HTC, the two companies are also able to visit the production sites of mobile phone equipment. He said: "In addition to the iPhone, we have not set our sights on any other phone."

Mobile Web site is a fundamental common site of the re-formatted version of its content more easily in the small-screen mobile phone browser.

EMG was founded by the high-Te Fuqi, headquartered in Los Angeles, the city of Taylor in an office, only one employee.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yahoo CEO the next task comparable to Obama

Yahoo's board of directors announced Monday that once to find a successor, Jerry Yang will resign from his current post as chief executive officer (CEO) post. Some analysts pointed out that this Tuesday, no matter who is Jerry Yang took over the location of his (her) to act as the role of the United States with the next president is quite similar to Barack Obama - took over cleaning up the mess, it will have settled down.

Analysts said that no matter who the next Yahoo as CEO, Yahoo will need to consider the sale of some non-core assets in order to make Yahoo the "traveling light" and the network core advertising business with Google and other social media site for a high - Next.

In May this year, Jerry Yang rejected Microsoft's February 1 this year, is put forward a request to buy Yahoo. On November 5 this year, Google announced the initiative to give up with Yahoo's advertising network, so that in the short term to enhance Jerry Yang, Yahoo's advertising revenue completely dashed hopes. In this case, Jerry Yang had long ago been forced to reconsider the request of the Microsoft acquisition of Yahoo, Jerry Yang, fully reflects the indecisive character.

U.S. well-known market research company Gartner analyst Andrew Frank said: "Jerry Yang, Yahoo announced that the outgoing board of directors, is tantamount to the outside world to issue such a signal: Yahoo needed a more decisive action to those who led the company to move forward in order to Yahoo regain self-confidence. "Frank also believes that his successor Jerry Yang, the outside world must be convinced that Yahoo can work out an effective mode of the market and be able to resolutely implement.

Frank said: "For the moment, however, whether the introduction of new services or develop new products, Yahoo has little to write home about. In the need for the introduction of new products and services, the need for an alliance with other business matters, Yahoo needs a more decisive Force. "

Re-evaluation of assets

Another U.S. market research firm JupiterResearch analyst David Card said Yahoo's new CEO, after coming to power, we must re-evaluate Yahoo's assets. Over the years, the implementation of the Yahoo portal is a model, but Google's search business, Yahoo's portal model of profitability is much higher than Google. In addition, Yahoo's good show in the field of advertising, the company also faced with the Facebook Web site, and other social challenges. Packard said: "For the above-mentioned two aspects of the threat, Yahoo is currently not able to come up with an effective program to deal with."

Packard believes that another point of view, the advantage of Yahoo have a large, loyal user base high, which is the user group advertisers like to advertise the ultimate target, "In theory, Yahoo could further strengthen its The social networking site elements, so that advertisers more targeted advertising network. "

Packard said that in addition to display advertising, Yahoo's search business must attach importance to the future; as text search ads more targeted in order to be able to make Yahoo the overall advertising revenue growth, "we must clarify the text of the Yahoo search ads with display ads between Difference between the text and search advertising business turnaround. Yahoo came to power after the next CEO, the outside world must be convinced that Yahoo have the ability to search the text of a substantial increase in advertising revenue. "

Obama comparable to the heavy responsibility

U.S. market research firm Sterling Market Intelligence Principal Analyst Greg Sterling believes that the new Yahoo CEO since he took office, the importance of maintaining good Yahoo technology products and the balance between the media business, "Whoever is the next Yahoo as CEO, he (she), The role of the United States to serve as the next president is quite similar to Obama - took over cleaning up the mess, it will have settled down. Although the Yahoo brand awareness high, the asset's performance, but left to the emergence of Yahoo's new CEO Room for mistakes but not many. "

Stirling also said that most of the general staff of Yahoo's state of mind "has been insensitive," Yahoo's new CEO, after coming to power, first of all, employees need to "boost the morale", and employees of the trust, "only with their full staff Recognition, even if Yahoo's new CEO announced lay-offs and business restructuring measures will be approved by the vast majority of ordinary employees. Only in this way, employees will be on Yahoo's prospects. "

Microsoft will provide free anti-virus software "Morro"

Microsoft said PC users will provide free anti-virus software, a move likely to independent software vendors pose new security challenges.

Microsoft said it plans to launch the second half of next year's Morro security software, designed to remind the more computer users to protect themselves from spyware, viruses and other malicious software attacks.

Investigation revealed that 65-70 percent of the users are not using the latest security software to protect their computers.

Microsoft's online services and departments in charge of Windows product management said Amy Barzdukas, in accordance with the design, Morro of the system can meet the minimum requirements, even less computing power can also run on a computer. Morro will be replaced by another security software, Microsoft Windows Live OneCare, Microsoft next year will be June 30 to stop Windows Live OneCare retail sales, the current annual cost of services for 49.95 U.S. dollars.

Microsoft in turn to provide free security software may Symantec, McAfee and other security fee of independent software vendors and cause trouble. Amy Barzdukas said many loyal customers will continue to use other security software vendors, and Microsoft hopes to attract those who have not used other products users. She said Microsoft is concerned about how to better protect consumers

Internet Space

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced today that the first time scientists imitate the space of the Internet communications network. NASA "Jet Propulsion Laboratory" (JPL) engineers use of "tolerance intermittent communication network" (DTN) software, 20,000,000 miles away from Earth and space probes back and forth between the transfer of dozens of pieces of space images.

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is responsible for Outer Space Network in charge of research Adrian Hooke, said: "This is the performance of building a sound first step in interplanetary Internet."

Researchers from the start of the month-long experiment DTN, they take shape of the use of "space communications network," twice a week for data transmission. "Outer space communications network" A total of 10 nodes, is a fly in space are the "Deep Impact" probe and the other nine nodes in Pasadena, California, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory," were simulated orbiter, the Mars landing , And the ground control center.

"TCP / IP, the father", Google vice president Vint Cerf and NASA researchers, after 10 years of research, making an agreement DTN software is getting more sophisticated, DTN transmission of information with the widespread use of the Internet's TCP / IP protocol different. Scientists said that in comparison with ordinary Internet, "interplanetary Internet" must be able to withstand space data transmission when the frequency of delays and disruption dropped. For example, when space probes to the planet to run or hit the back of strong solar wind, transmission failures will occur at any time. DTN in the transfer agreement, if the purpose of the path not found, the packet will not be lost, each network node will be maintained until the information with the security transfer to another node, which is similar to the basketball game, players can also pass the ball until Shooting.

From the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that in the future will be a series of experiments and software to improve the DTN, a new generation of software DTN planned for the summer of next year the International Space Station. In the next few years, "interplanetary Internet" will be applied to a number of tasks in space, astronauts land on the moon in the future will provide a reliable network communications services.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yahoo on December 10 to lay off staff or the beginning of 3,000,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy AOL

Yahoo's time for a new round of job cuts have been identified. According to the plan, the company will start on December 10 on a global scale layoffs. Yahoo in the Oct. 21 release in the third quarter of fiscal time announced that the company will lay off before the end of the year by 10%, which means the company at least 1430 people before Christmas to leave Yahoo.

The source said that the current round of job cuts, Yahoo will continue to be the world number 10% of the total number of employees. However, if the deterioration of the prospects of the company may be forced to carry out further layoffs. The source said Yahoo is unlikely to present once again announced massive layoffs, because the rate cuts would result in too general to a certain extent. Yahoo so far from the founder of the company has not experienced such a scale layoffs.

The source said that although Yahoo co-founder, Jerry Yang, CEO and president Susan Decker (Sue Decker) will be forced to leave the news spread, but there can be sexual, Jerry Yang and Decker The layoffs will not be in left. At present, both of the above for Yahoo's long-term development plans, which may include Time Warner's America Online Internet sector (AOL) deal.

It is reported that Yahoo and Time Warner merger is still on America Online to discuss the issue, but the price has been unable to reach an agreement on the issue. The two companies from the news that Time Warner would like to 6,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of the sale price of America Online, Yahoo, but the only hope of not more than 3,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of the purchase price of AOL.

As the stock price since Microsoft Yahoo announced Yahoo acquisition to give up after falling sharply, so if the deal with Time Warner, part of the transaction may be convertible by the way. In addition, if the success of the two companies merge, then there will be more people will lose their jobs because of business overlap.

Yahoo's stock price Friday in Nasdaq trading practices in the industry to close at 10.82 U.S. dollars, representing close down 0.33 U.S. dollars, a decrease of 2.96 percent. In after-hours trading, Yahoo shares rose 0.03 U.S. dollars, or 0.28 percent, to close at 10.85 U.S. dollars. Over the past 52 weeks, Yahoo's stock price as low as 9.76 U.S. dollars, up to 30.25 U.S. dollars. Yahoo's current share price, Yahoo is only the market value of 150 million.

YouTube will grant Jordan Queen Video Awards

Well-known video site YouTube announced that it will grant Jordan Queen Rania Abdullah YouTube Video Awards.

YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley said on the 13th, this Prize was awarded to Queen Rania, because she is not only through the online video the way it is committed to the elimination of the Arab and Islamic world, misunderstanding and prejudices, but also because of her Video works full of inspiration.

YouTube Video Awards was established in recognition of this global platform to use YouTube to promote social progress.

Queen Rania said: "YouTube We encourage active participation in global exchanges, to pass out our voices, so that we can show self-promote mutual understanding and eliminate obstacles. Can be won this award I am deeply honored."

Queen Rania in March this year in the creation of YouTube podcast. So far, her podcast page has nearly 300 million people, more than 43,000 messages.

It is reported that this is the first time YouTube awarded the prizes and awards celebration will be 22 this month, San Francisco, held in the United States and the global broadcast online.

Microsoft launched the "Silk Road Project" to speed up the development of Live Search

Microsoft Thursday announced a project called "Silk Road Project", hopes the project will be content management systems and integrated advertising sales, to accelerate the development of Live Search.

Microsoft said that the project called "Silk Road" because Microsoft will be the project to the Internet community to promote Live Search, which is similar to the ancient Silk Road to promote technical and cultural exchanges and innovation.
Microsoft hopes the "Silk Road Project" to promote the innovation of the Internet.

Through the "Silk Road Project", developers can use their own Web site Live Search, and search results in their own way like the arrangement, or to meet a certain Internet Protocol. This will allow developers of the Web site has been optimized to enhance the user's search experience.

"Silk Road Project" to developers to provide a wide range of new features in Live Search. For example, when the search engine can not return search results, developers can "404 Error" re-definition of the interface, this page provides other functions so as to ensure that the user is still at the site on their own. In addition, the search results to include keywords with related pictures, news and other Web content.

"Silk Road Project" is still in Beta testing. Microsoft hopes to have more Internet publishers to participate in the project and provide feedback in order to improve.

Google Kingsoft WPS by the end of this year will be available for download

According to the condition of anonymity to sources, the new version of WPS will join the search, the search is not a user search the Internet, but local search documents, and is a partner Google. The local search is not a document like "Google Desktop" then? Google Desktop Search is a local sidebar + software, this software, users can use Google as the search page to find Internet content, easy to find with this computer's word, excel, chats, and so on. However, Google's software because of a policy reasons, may be looking for local content will involve national security and has not entered the Chinese market, if integrated Kingsoft WPS song book-search machine, it will be Google Desktop into the curve China's market, although the "curve", but it will be an instant Chinese occupation of the computer desktop, is a good opportunity.

Another new version of Kingsoft WPS functions, and Google will also be relevant. July this year, Google introduced a paper template function, Google offers a number of commonly used templates, users will provide a lot of beautiful document templates to other users sharing a common use. A new version of Kingsoft WPS, will offer this feature. In the user to upload their own templates and administrator, after review, will be shared WPS Jinshan to all users.

Kingsoft WPS new version is expected to be launched at the end of this year, the sources said will come true? Let us wait and see.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Microsoft will migrate to IE in WebKit

Although Microsoft's InternetExplorer (IE) Web browser in the application of a dominant position, however, that Microsoft's browser has neglected its core technology - search engine. Since the company that its IE lagged behind the industry some of the other browser engine, such as Apple's WebKit, Mozilla's Gecko as well as the Opera's Presto, all of these search engines better than IE browser closer to Web standards. The company said that in the future will focus on its proprietary search engine research and development above.

According to Microsoft's Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer Steve: The company may consider the open source WebKit browser engine used in the IE browser, such a move would be the development trend of the network will have a tremendous impact And to help IE browser back on track.

Note: WebKit is an open source web browser layout engine, with the engine Gecko (Mozilla, Firefox, such as the use of the layout engine) and Trident (also known as MSHTML, IE using the layout engine). At the same time, WebKit is Apple Mac OS X system framework version of the name of the engine, mainly for Safari, Dashboard, Mail and other Mac OS X program.

WebKit contains WebCore layout engine and JSCore engine from KDE's KHTML and KJS, then compared the Apple Gecko and KHTML, still chose the latter, because it has a clear structure of the source, the fast pace of play up.

Microsoft's top browser for the Sydney engaged in a fierce debate, though, as Baumol IE browser plug-in for the exclusive defense, but he said that in the future, in order to make IE to better adapt to the Web standards, it may be necessary To provide an additional service.

Microsoft's senior implied, may be the use of open-source browser engine, WebKit, to expand IE browser. Baumol recognition and better adapt to the Web standard for all Internet users is good news.

The preparation of IE browser page code to use a lot of time and money, and the use of Web standards can make web development easier.

IE browser and Mozilla's proprietary engine Gecko, Opera's Presto, as well as Apple's WebKit competition among other mainstream browsers have a direct role in promoting. Presto running on the desktop Opera browser itself, at present, there OperaMini a wide range of mobile devices, Firefox, as well as their corresponding mobile Fennec is driven by the Gecko. WebKit and in the Chrome Google Android browser, as well as the internal operation of the system, and applications on the desktop, Apple's Safari all kinds of mobile version, Adobe's AIR platform, the Nokia Series60 browser, as well as rarely used Omniweb, Shiira and iCab browser.

In the Acid3 test, IE engine performance have not been very effective. In order to pass the test to use the browser's default settings, is a perfect 100/100 points. Into the highest current version Opera9.52 (84 points), followed by Chrome (79 points), Safari 3.0.3 version (75 hours), Firefox3.0.3 version (71 hours), and IE7's score was only 14 Points, lagging far behind other browsers. The use of the latest WebKit, Presto and the Gecko version of the test, Safari4Beta the score of 100 points, Opera 9.6 Beta (99 points), Firefox 3.1 Beta (87 points), IE8Beta2 (21). Safari, Opera Mini, FirefoxFennec mobile version of the score of 100 points, 99 points, 88 points. As the Microsoft WindowsMobile the IE browser for small t the lack of support, so that it can not run the Acid3 test.

At present, IE in the aging process, as well as t explain its proprietary browser engine, making a lot of IE users to search for the other browser to replace IE. NetApplication in October, according to the statistics show, IE's market share showed a declining trend. Since the beginning of this year, IE's market share has lost 4.2 percentage points in October, IE's market share was only 71.27 percent, hitting its lowest point ever. The Firefox browser market share hit a record high of 19.7%, 20% from just 0.3 percentage points.

In order to make IE the browser has become more rapid, more in line with consumer demand, Microsoft will no doubt make the IE browser to switch to faster and more secure search engine.

YouTube search advertising platform push

YouTube said it would launch a Sponsored Videos, called the new ad platform.

According to YouTube, said through Sponsored Videos advertising platform, users can bid for keywords to promote video content.

Whether individuals or enterprises, as long as YouTube users will be able to choose sites they want to search through the promotion of video content; goal and then bid for keywords.

Google has developed automated tools to help users automatically to the network auction keyword bidding, and set the budget. When the user in the video after the keyword search box, YouTube will be displayed next to search results pages related to video. For example, the user is a Hollywood film studio, it is possible to bid for "movie trailers" keywords.

Through the sale of keyword search service YouTube is a good idea. It represents the online advertising industry is one of the most important concept is that Google ads building. Then, YouTube Why use a similar strategy this? YouTube users visit each month up to 80,000,000, has always hoped to find a way to generate income. This year, Google CEO Eric Schmidt has said on many occasions, YouTube does not have expected the company's revenue.

"Google Earth" to launch 3D virtual ancient Rome

In the new version of "Google Earth", people will be able to experience a 3D computer version of ancient Rome trip, time and space to allow back in the year 320, enjoy exploring the ancient capital of the Roman Empire, grand and mysterious. Many historians believe that in 320 AD when the ancient Roman Empire in its heyday.

The 3D world is built by Google, users can download for free. In this virtual city of ancient Rome, the user can be on the most central square in the Colosseum Xianting walk or leap Constantine Arch. 3D ancient Rome, the city's reconstruction have been building, the location is decided according to historical records, it can be said that it perfectly recreates the ancient city at the same time the largest and most importantly, the capital.

Google said, 3D city on the ancient Roman historians, students and school-age children have immeasurable value, but also for tourists "resurrection" of the city. While some cities - such as San Francisco and Munich - as well as the well-known landmarks are to be in the form of 3D reconstruction, but a user can stay in the ancient city is the first time. So far, only 300 of the original ancient Roman ruins are still standing there. Google's computer model is based on the period of Constantine the Great scholars and experts in the reconstruction of the 6700 building. Automatic out of the "information bubble" around the city of ancient Rome to provide 250 additional details of the location.

University of Virginia Humanities Research Institute senior person in charge伯纳德弗里希(BernardFrische) participated in the virtual city of ancient Rome's "construction". He said: "This project is the academics, architects and artists from the Renaissance onwards for up to 5 continuation of a century of research, they tried to use words, drawings and paintings in the reconstruction of the ruins of the ancient city. And "Google Earth" in co-operation to create a virtual time machine in the same way as a step forward, our next generation, as well as under the next generation will use it to study the history of Rome. "

3D reconstruction of the ancient Roman city by Google, "Rome plans to recover" and "have made it the perfect" (PastPerfectProductions) jointly completed. The virtual world is based on model-maker and archaeologists from 1933 to 1974 to create inter-entity model - PlasticodiRomaAntica, the entity model is a collection of the Museum in Rome. Ancient Rome's largest building is located in the center of the Colosseum, which can accommodate up to 80,000 audience Gladiator between life and death. In addition to the Colosseum, we can also see the virtual model of Trajan column triumph - is located in a central square of the monument 125 feet high - and as explorers to visit the same Gladiator "training school" LudusMagnus.

GianniAlemanno mayor of Rome said: "3D city of ancient Rome to rediscover the importance of the culture of ancient Rome provided a valuable opportunity. Ancient Roman culture in Italy, Europe and the whole basis of the Western world." Since June 2005 has been officially launched, Now more than 400,000,000 Internet users to download "Google Earth."

The new Google tool to "map the spread of influenza"

11, Google (Google) officially launched a new tool - "Google influenza trends." This new type of test showed that web-based tools, "Google influenza trends" than the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least one week in advance, out of the region aware of whether there is an outbreak of influenza. Public health experts say, "Google influenza trend" can help doctors, hospitals and public health officials to more effectively deal with an outbreak of influenza and reduce the rate of spread of influenza.

Design and influenza-related words

"Google trend of influenza," officially started on the 11th.

According to "New York Times," This is a tool-to-date services, including through follow-up analysis of the keywords entered by the user to create areas of influenza and influenza map charts to show the direction of the spread of influenza and scope. Experts said that although not every search keywords such of the people had influenza, but with the overall total, it can effectively reflect the general style. Studies have shown that about 35% -40% netizens online health information.

In order to create a "Google influenza trend," Google engineers designed the first of a series of influenza-related keywords, including the "flu symptoms" and "thermometer" or "muscle pain" and "blocking Chest" and so on. Then, Google engineers in-depth database of these excavations and a search keywords related to up to five years of data, information and analysis with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's influenza contrast, the report found, there are Very closely related to each other. Google said the tool will help the region Influenza outbreak in a timely manner is more effective to take preventive measures.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department in charge of monitoring influenza in Enfu Nelligan said: " 'Google trends flu' could provide convincing flu outbreak early warning." He said that an outbreak of influenza than the earlier warning, prevention And control means the sooner you can put in place so that influenza can be effectively controlled. According to its introduction, the United States each year are 5% to 20% of people suffering from influenza, of which there are about 36,000 deaths.

CDC than the warning issued in advance

This new type of test showed that web-based tools, "Google influenza trends" than the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in advance 1-10 weeks time, discover whether there is an influenza outbreak in the region.

U.S. federal health officials used to monitor the system, usually two weeks or longer to determine whether the flu has been introduced to a state or region. This is because the current Center for Disease Control and Prevention have to rely on the main symptoms of influenza patients for medical treatment and laboratory testing of influenza patients to determine the circumstances of influenza.

In contrast, by analyzing the search words, "Google influenza trend" can determine in advance the spread of influenza. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released early in February this year reported that the Atlantic coast of the central region of the influenza outbreak, but a summary of the Google search data show that two weeks ago on this situation.

However, Google chief economist哈尔瓦里安cautioned that "Google influenza trend" can effectively determine trends, but the "turning point easy to miss, miss the data to change the direction of the time."

Google hopes to promote in the world

"Google influenza trend" for people's health benefits, but it also led to some leakage of privacy concerns. In response, Google said, "Google trend of influenza," there is no violation of privacy, because it is a total analysis of the data, rather than rely on search to track individual persons.

At present, "Google influenza trend" to monitor the scope of coverage only to the United States, but Google hopes the technology will spread throughout the world. Google Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt said: "From a technical point of view, this is a start." Learned that the "trend of influenza Google" principle methods of paper, is expected to "Nature" magazine Published.

The researchers said that through the search engine to obtain data is very strong because these people take the initiative to enter the keywords, on behalf of the user's intent-to-date. At present, the company Google, engineers are still analyzing test words to sum up the economic, market and business trends.

Google to upgrade third-party site search, web pages can be crawled on-demand

Google search site is part of the corporate Web site to launch a service charge. Thursday, Google announced the launch of a new site search function can be "on-demand" on the index page for updates to ensure that users add the page to search users immediately.

Prior to this, Google site search system to customers automatic robot spider web crawl or index, crawl every time a certain time, it can not guarantee that the latest page to be searched. According to Google's introduction of new features, users can be submitted to the Web site Google, Google will spider crawl or index immediately. In this way, the recent update of the page will appear in search results.

Google's search site is one of the service charges. Web customers can be placed on a web page search box, search results provided by Google. For small sites, Google charges 100 U.S. dollars per year for large sites charge thousands of dollars can be achieved.

If you allow enterprises in the search results display ads, Google will not collect any fees.

Google search site by Google's own servers to complete, so that enterprises are not required to purchase hardware and software, will be able to provide Web search services.

In addition to this service, Google is still selling to the enterprise search server. This is a Google search software to install the hardware, companies can search the internal network, but the price is much higher than site search services.

Windows Live platform for social transformation

Wednesday, Microsoft made an important announcement: the next generation of Windows Live Internet services will learn from Facebook and Myspace, as a platform for applications. Live in the account on the basis of the implant will be the third-party Web applications.

Media commented that this new position, making Windows Live and Facebook, Myspace, and other social networking Web site to become competitors.

Microsoft plans to their Hotmail e-mail and MSN instant messaging services, both on the basis of inclusion from third-party Web sites and Web application developers. In order to enrich the user experience.

The new version of Windows Live will provide information on a user page, which will be informed of friends up to date and dynamic. Microsoft plans to implant more than 50 Web services, including Yahoo's Flickr photo album online social networking site LinkedIn, as well as white-collar workers.

U.S. industry expert Charlene Li said Microsoft is aware that independence can not be a "isolated island" and now Microsoft Windows Live and other social networking Web site will launch a competition to see who's done faster and better.

Microsoft said that users at different sites need to use a different account number and password, they are very tired. Microsoft Windows Live platform into other network services, which simplifies the life of the network.

In addition, in the next few weeks, Microsoft will have on a number of previous Live upgrade services, including e-mail, online calendar, online photo album and so on. First update in the United States, then the world will be extended to more than 50 countries and regions.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Facebook fell to the valuation of 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars

According to informed sources, according to the latest round of Facebook employees exercise options prices, Facebook's current valuation is about 40 billion U.S. dollars, much lower than the previous valuation of 15,000,000,000 U.S. dollars.

Last year, Microsoft, Li Ka-shing and a number of German investors in the valuation of 15,000,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy some of the preferred Facebook. Among them, Microsoft 240,000,000 U.S. dollars of investment was Facebook 1.6% of the shares, but at that time, many analysts believe the valuation is too high. Moreover, the value of the preference shares is higher than that of common stock, said the valuation of Facebook from 15,000,000,000 U.S. dollars fell to 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars is not accurate.

But what is certain is that, Facebook to the current 150 billion dollars in the sale of preferred stock valuation is more difficult. According to informed sources, Facebook to the latest round of stock options granted employees the right to visit a price of 9.27 U.S. dollars, only 0.37 U.S. dollars higher than the previous round. According to a new line of the right prices, Facebook is only the current value of 4,000,000,000 U.S. dollars.

The informed source also said, Facebook's revenue this year will be only 265,000,000 U.S. dollars, down from previous expectations of 300,000,000 U.S. dollars. The ad revenue is estimated at 180,000,000 U.S. dollars, the virtual gift revenue is estimated to be 5-60000000 US dollars.

In addition, Facebook will have to face Microsoft's bargaining power. It is reported that Microsoft has been aware of previously reached with the Facebook advertising deal price is too high, is ready to renegotiate. This may affect Facebook's future revenue growth.

Gmail video chat feature

Tuesday, Google Gmail launch of the audio and video chat.

Through the chat interface, Gmail or Google Apps users and their friends at the exchange.

In addition to audio and video, communication also includes text chat.

Mobile video chat window can be enlarged to narrow.

Qiaosenfulei Defeierzi Google spokesman said that the introduction of video chat function is to help people be more convenient, for business users is also a good option to communicate.

This feature not only support Windows, and Apple's operating system support.

If you use this feature, users need to install a camera, in addition to the need to download a browser plug-in. If there is no camera, and still be able to use audio and text chat.

There had been rumors that, eBay will transfer Skype phone network, and Google is one of the potential buyers. Google to launch audio and video chat features, but also indirectly denied the rumors

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Facebook users soared to 120,000,000

Facebook recently chief operating officer, said in the past three months the number of users increased from 90,000,000 in early July to the present 120,000,000.

Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg in held Dreamforce meeting, said, Facebook's current number of active users in early July from 90,000,000 to 120,000,000. Sandberg said: "We have in the past three months, the increase in the number of users than we initially create a user than three years. She also pointed out that, Facebook Web site now has more than 280,000 applications. These small Web-based The procedure can be carried to the Facebook page and users can share contacts.

Sandberg said that, Facebook and hope that the establishment of cooperative relations through cooperation, Web site running on the application to appear on Facebook pages. to provide online tools to enable enterprises to manage their customer relationships, and for custom applications and Web site to provide more and more high-level programming basis. If you use the infrastructure programmers to join Facebook, the Facebook application can bring new business point of view. At present, Facebook applications more focused on entertainment. platform, senior vice president Steve Fisher of the "creative Starbucks" (My Starbucks Idea) from the site of the infrastructure, the introduction of Facebook Web site, show a cooperative relationship with Facebook.

Starbucks Chief Technology Officer Chris Bruzzo this is also encouraging, he said, Facebook's technology will help the company and its customers "Starbucks creative" more useful and easier to manage.

To catch up with Google, Microsoft and Sun cooperation

In order to increase the flow of Internet search, Microsoft has old rival Sun Microsystems for help, Sun hopes for Microsoft to provide search marketing help.

According to the two companies announced Monday the agreement, Sun will promote users of Microsoft's IE browser toolbar, is when users download Sun Java software prompts the user. Some sites use Java software must be able to watch. Microsoft's IE toolbar has a Live Search query dialog box, and allows users to view the content of the MSN tool button.

Microsoft's Live Search group, senior director of Norton said: "We need to provide advertisers with more content." From the search market, Microsoft's search traffic ranking third with Google and Yahoo have a big gap. Microsoft has been trying to search for ways to improve the flow, and strive to change the unfavorable situation in the third.

Sun and Microsoft have in many ways been the fierce competition. Microsoft in the long-term anti-trust lawsuit, Sun was one of the most well-known opponent. In 2004, Sun patents through mediation and anti-monopoly Microsoft had nearly 20 billion dollars in compensation.

Sun and Microsoft did not disclose aspects of the new cooperation agreement the two sides of the duration and financial details. Sun is currently grappling difficult, the company's quarterly loss of 17 million.

The two sides in accordance with an agreement to install Java software, computer users can also get dialog MSN toolbar. Sun in the past with Yahoo and Google have the same agreement.

Microsoft abandoned its offer to buy Yahoo, Microsoft has vowed to invest its own search technology and not hesitate to spend money on the cost of the signing of the contract goal is to attract more users to use Microsoft's search. At present, the most influential of the contract is the beginning of January this year, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard agreement. The agreement provides for the North American market in the Hewlett-Packard's PC sales will be pre-installed Microsoft's search engine. Hewlett-Packard computers are installed in the browser toolbar.

Microsoft executives said that Microsoft will focus on the browser toolbar and default configuration of the machine, because 35% of the search through the browser address bar, built-in search box and toolbar plug-in operation, while others Search through the service provider's page.

Windows 7 pre-empt understanding of the task bar features Super Show

Microsoft, through a pre-installed version of the machine to display a new version of the task bar was introduced more. The new task bar only shows the default icon, but can also display text labels, but only the activation process will be written. Related items can be set up in the Taskbar Properties dialog box found. If you open the window too much to fit the task bar, Windows 7, and Vista will show the same scroll arrow. As for the final version is subject to change, has not yet been determined.

The new taskbar is not over the large number of Vista, is 10 pixels to be exact. If you choose a small icon on the basic and traditional size on the same subject. To abolish the division of portfolios separated from the window, but they remain linked, so drag one of the windows will in fact bring the whole group. Developers by virtue of the new state of API will be done on the taskbar button, such as real-time display copy situation. Will be on the task bar at the top of the screen, if you open a lot of the same program, Jump List First of all, the menu will display a thumbnail, and then became only the text of the menu. It also can display a thumbnail of what the other "Aero Peek" will select the window display, while others become transparent window, leaving a semi-transparent borders.

Microsoft to establish a "software store"

In Sydney, Australia, was held yesterday at the Power to Developers developers conference, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that Microsoft is also developing a similar to the iPhone App Store, Apple's software sales program.

At the same time, however, Ballmer said Microsoft has no plans to follow the example of Apple overall, but to adopt a different approach. The first thing to do things which may be based on the WebKit open source browser as the core of Apple's Safari because of the use of Webkit, and Google's Chrome is the same.

In response to the question, Ballmer said Microsoft will soon launch a service, which will allow programmers direct to the consumer software sales. Ballmer that "in fact, I could not agree at present to do some good work, in particular, Facebook and the iPhone, the two companies so that developers can facilitate the sale of application"

"Although the money, but enough so that programmers will continue to develop and enhance the transparency of the code. This is a good idea"

When asked whether the program will be implemented, when implemented, Ballmer said, "My answer is' is not the time to talk with you ', but do not worry, we work hard, and you will see some Facebook similar to the concept of what "

Windows 7 in the location of service

Microsoft's Vista system to the user leaves a bad impression, so I hope to use Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system, Vista users to remove this impression. Microsoft plans to introduce a range of users in line with the requirements of the new features.

New features in a completely location-based services. The weather system, Vista Gadgets in a location-based services, enter a postcode can be customized weather information.

According to CNET News, Windows 7 system, the location of the computer's location more easily. Such as a computer program to track and search for friends will be able to process the application. You do not need to enter your city name or zip code, as long as the computer where you know the local search will be of great help.

While most people see is a more sensitive position brought about by the operating system useful, but there are some people worried that this would be a serious security problem. According to CNET News, Windows 7 will be the provision of location-aware services to operate buttons, by default button is closed.

What is worrisome is that if users search or check the weather when they open a location-aware services, running on any computer program will have the opportunity to get the position. Microsoft explained that this is because the operating system did not provide the option to allow only certain applications to obtain location information. Windows 7 does not recognize the so-called procedures, any attempt to limit the operating system to obtain information on the location of all is try to talk about it.

Alec Berntson Microsoft manager said, "We can only promise to Windows 7 user actually we can offer, rather than trying to promise more than we can provide the service."

Microsoft Windows 7 in the use of two API to provide location-based services. The sensor is a low-level API, and the other is for the location of the API, which makes the operating system can use several methods to locate. In addition to simply type the location of the user, the computer can also use GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular positioning triangular manner.

Once the user's location to find information, location-based applications can be used in a variety of ways to use this information. This function extends to the maps and weather forecasts beyond. But in the end, what's the use of location information can be determined by the application developers. Microsoft will only be included in the weather gadget in Windows 7.

Windows 7's features have been talking a lot. To date, known to the Microsoft Windows 7 with a higher reliability of the use of solid-state hard drive performance, multi-touch capability, the new taskbar, and so on.

However, the operating system to the specific launch date is still uncertain. The source hinted that some time around mid-2009. ASUS has said that until 2009, its network of personal computer operating system, the Eee will be Windows 7.

Monday, November 10, 2008

China. Internet Addiction has been included in the formal diagnosis of mental illness

November 8, China's first "Internet addiction diagnostic criteria" adopted by the experts, to be officially addictive game play into the psychiatric diagnostic category. The media gave a lot of attention.

The following is a Netizen comments

So it seems to be that on the hard-line, play games and more fun too, seem to have a mental illness. Yi Qiao and then detail, all right, in fact, belong to the so-called game addiction diagnosis of mental illness is a large scope of the concept of an academic rather than our usual sense, the so-called neuropathy, can not be said to be addicted to playing the game of all There is a madman, or neurons. But said that Internet addiction is a special game to play Addiction is a mental disease, the symptoms are a lot of a mental illness such as depression, anxiety disorder, ADHD, autism, a variety of diseases, addiction and even Alzheimer's, All areas of mental illness. They can not by virtue of the network addicts as a madman.

The law only requires that people with schizophrenia do not have to bear criminal liability, and all the other mental patients have to bear their own responsibility to act. Therefore, the network will be included in the mental addiction does not mean that criminal defense. Of course, those who play games online addiction or addiction of people in order to access the Internet and the cost of robbery, burglary and murder of others virtual property form of guilt, but also natural to say that he is not a madman, and escape from criminal liability.

According to experts, addiction-like performance: the use of the network has a strong desire or sense of impulse; to reduce or stop when the Internet will be in deep discomfort, irritability, bowel, concentration, sleep disorders, such as withdrawal Reaction; withdrawal of the above reaction by the use of other electronic media such as television, handheld game consoles to alleviate. From this point of view, in fact, the situation is not dire, but the network or has a strong dependence of the game, but most people are dependent on the network, to some extent, can also understand the scope and does not Need to worry.

In fact, in a sense, the Internet Addiction included in the scope of psychiatric diagnosis, No big deal, the media may be out of adventure, so many news reports did not say on the very clear, nor will the academic sense, The broad concept of mental illness diagnosis and the scope of our usual sense of the neuropathy that is open to a clear division of a madman.

Internet Addiction experts into the online game addicts, sex addicts network, the network addiction, and addiction information network, network transactions addiction 5. At the same time, clear standards of Internet Addiction Disorder diagnosis and treatment. Experts also clear that Internet Addiction is a treatable, the general treatment for 3 months or so. 80% of the patients were able to pass through the treatment of addiction from the disease.

Microsoft CEO Ballmer said the Chinese market is not particularly important

Ballmer last week in a luncheon speech, said that although the industry is generally forecast that China will soon become the world's largest PC market, Microsoft on China's PC market is not very interested. He said, "At present, the Chinese market in terms of Microsoft is not particularly important, if not a higher rate of software piracy, I would like the Chinese market. China needs to step up efforts to protect intellectual property rights, and then in the performance of Microsoft's share will be To improve. "

Ballmer pointed out that China is now the world's second-largest consumer PC market, PC sales in China this year will reach 48,000,000, while Australia will be only 4,500,000.

Last month, Microsoft stepped up anti-piracy efforts, running pirated Windows operating system to PC per hour "black" one. Microsoft's move to make Chinese consumers are very angry.

Ballmer also said Microsoft has no intention to acquire Yahoo as a whole, but the two sides in the search operations carried out in the field of possibilities for cooperation still exists

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Benefit from the "black screen of Microsoft," Kingsoft WPS users to go beyond the amount of 22,000,000

By the "black screen of Microsoft," the impact of,Chinese-made office software WPS Office installation day amount of more than 220,000. Installed capacity and 50% of the rate of increase, currently more than 22,000,000 users, active users daily volume of more than 4,500,000,

Intel employee theft of trade secrets - the value of 1,000,000,000

33-year-old man, the city of Worcester, Massachusetts Biswamohan Pani recently been sent to the court because the alleged theft of Intel's worth about 10 billion U.S. dollars of trade secrets.

Pani on August 28 this year, was charged with a crime of theft of trade secrets,

According to prosecutors, said, Pani in the work Intel has told boss said to go on vacation the week, taking in a hedge fund to find new work, but he switched to Intel rival AMD, where it spent the holiday period The four-day period from Intel's plant is located in the city of Hudson, where to download a large number of commercial confidentiality.

FBI this year on July 1 searched Pani's home and found that eight Intel has been classified as secret, confidential or top secret documents, according to the research and development costs if calculated in terms of value as high as 10 million.

If convicted, Pani may have to be in prison last few decades, at least at the same time faced with hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

Prosecutors also said that although the matter related to AMD, but the latter does not require Pani to steal secret, but also do not know if he downloaded the information.

NASA confirmed the international space station computer has been infected by viruses

NASA confirmed that the International Space Station for at least two laptop computers were malicious viruses. Last month the virus was taken to the space after several attempts to steal passwords. NASA stressed that the United States so far revealed no space station systems affected by the virus.

NASA emphasized that have been detected in the Gammina.AG notebook computer viruses, not the Internet or on-line to the space station's main control system. It is not equipped with any anti-virus software, for the astronauts via satellite from the system to send and receive e-mail center in Texas, believe the virus may come from flash memory storage cards for mobile equipment, put on by the astronauts in space.

The virus was first introduced in August last year was found, it hidden in the computer waiting to steal user passwords and sensitive files, and then the network will be hacker to the data, the main designer for the online game is to steal information. NASA spokesman, said: "It's not often happen, but it is not the first time." He said that the space station are on the ground and team work to eradicate the virus and will take action to enhance computer security

Buffett and Google CEO Schmidt become Obama senior economic adviser

The newly elected president of the United States Barack Obama to appoint a senior adviser to the team for its pre-economic issues related to the guidance.

"God stocks," Buffett and google CEO Eric Schmidt, and so is a member of.

Obama's team - the transition of the U.S. Trade Advisory Committee (TEAB) will be held this week, five of the first meeting to discuss the current state of the economy, as well as the oath of office before the need to do to prepare.

On behalf of the members, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summer, the former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin billionaire, Lunbafeite WarrenBuffett, Time Warner chairman Dick Parsons, chief executive officer of Xerox, Anne Mulcahy , Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who is Obama to run for office at the time of loyal supporters. Obama's major economic aide to one of Laura Tyson will transition into the Trade Advisory Committee, the Clinton administration, he served as chairman of the Association of Economic Advisers.

The New York Fed Chairman Tim Geithner will be missed here.

"Obama virus" outbreak, millions of computer users at risk

Obama was elected president, Internet hackers began to spread, "Obama virus," At present, millions of computer users are at risk.

Hackers invited through e-mail recipients to watch Obama's victory speech, video, e-mail link will bring the recipient to a suspected U.S. State Department's Web site, to mislead the recipient to download spyware, so from a computer to steal sensitive customer information Re-use on-line access to account information, personal identity theft and forgery of credit card transactions.

"Obama virus" will be connected to the victim's computer, "zombie process," the victim computer by issuing junk e-mail. Internet security firm Cloudmark found that within a few hours Wednesday 10,000,000 Obama false e-mail

Yahoo waste of 110,000,000 U.S. dollars of consultancy fees

Google search ads cancellation of co-operation, and Ballmer said Microsoft has no intention to buy Yahoo again, so that Yahoo into an awkward position. The latest documents show that Yahoo for cooperation between the two external advisory fees as high as 110,000,000 U.S. dollars.

A few days ago, Yahoo with the Securities and Exchange Commission 10Q documents, which revealed the above information.

Yahoo said in the document: "in the third quarter and the pre-September earnings have been calculated in another 37,000,000 U.S. dollars and the cost of 73,000,000 U.S. dollars, respectively, for these two expenses for the acquisition, Microsoft, Google, as well as advertising, as well as to pay External advice and counsel fees. "

Media pointed out that the Yahoo-related expenses not to the end. At present, there are five investors were brought to Yahoo, Yahoo is the reason for ignoring the interests of investors, rejected Microsoft's acquisition of high-premium program.

Early February, Microsoft announced the acquisition of Yahoo, Google, Yahoo subsequently agreed to propose cooperation in the search advertising, but this cooperation was opposed to the U.S. Department of Justice. In the meantime, Yahoo's board of directors election, in World War II and Icahn's agent, Yahoo once again had to recruit from outside consultants

The rise of Twitter site

In the micro-blog Twitter great success, a number of mock Twitter's Web site have emerged one after another, and to provide more new features. hit music

Jeff - Yasuda is a music software development company's chief executive officer of Fuzz Artists, in order to better help musicians promote their music products, Yasuda learned from the successful experience of Twitter, a development known as the site. sites like Twitter and the user can send a length of 140 field Bowen to a friend. But the difference is that Twitter and, can also allow users to add Bowen on the integrity of the music flow. The move makes become an online radio, music in a group of like-minded friends can share in music, and add their own comments.

In addition, Yasuda and other micro-blog site developers is not our aim to create a clone of the Twitter Web site, they also increase the picture-sharing groups and private functions, hoping to create a full-featured, reliable and profitable micro-blog site .

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Google phone G1 of the eight functional characteristics summary

Since September 2007, about Google phone rumors have not stopped, we summed up Google's mobile phone features eight major characteristics:

Perfect mapping service

Google's mobile phone mapping service, we are no strangers, but its own operating platform to use up even more user-friendly, natural to be more perfect map support services. Google users can quickly find a phone briefing accurate map information.

Streetscape services

Google street to the built-in mobile phone services which is a Google phone selling point, relying on the fingers on the screen to achieve the mobile display the direction and angle changes, in order to walk on foot to provide navigation.

The powerful search service platform

Google-owned Internet service has been transplanted to all the Google phone, the user can use the phone to enjoy all of Google's search services. WIFI support to allow Google mobile Internet more convenient.

Gmail Service

Goole built-in mobile phone e-mail service Gmail. At least 2GB of free storage space for large, do not have to worry to send and receive e-mail at the same time support the spam filtering.

The new browser to enjoy a completely new Internet

Android Market software download service platform

The Android download service though its late start, but more intimate consideration of the use of the user's experience. And the gorgeous interface and the usefulness of the interface is not lost to APP

Open operating system

Android, including operating systems, user interface and applications such as mobile phones work in all the software, and there is no hinder innovation in the mobile industry the exclusive right to limit. As an open platform, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG and other mobile phone makers have shown interest in the production of Android mobile phone platform.

Wide sliding keyboard

Google phone support for two-Keyboard handwriting input in imports faster than the iPhone easier, greatly reducing the wrong operation

Google G1 cell phone market, hundreds of people lined up

According to media reports, Google's mobile phone G1 today officially for sale, with T-Mobile signed a contract for two years after the product is priced at 179 U.S. dollars, the retail price will be 400 U.S. dollars. The use of touch-screen phone, and equipped with a sliding keyboard and the trackball, is the first to adopt Google's Android mobile phone operating system.

At present, users can T-Mobile launched 3G services in the city to buy G1 cell phones, these cities, including Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle and Minneapolis. Tuesday night, T-Mobile in San Francisco sold the first G1 cell phone.

Tuesday night, the first sales in the United States G1 is T-Mobile's downtown San Francisco store, about 150 buyers line up in the moment before lining up for sale. 26-year-old San Francisco State University's department of student Christopher (Christopher Laddish) became the first owner of the G1 consumers, with operators Verizon contract expires Wednesday, G1 today in order to switch to T-Mobile. Christopher said: "I have been waiting for a few months."

"In the past month, we see T-Mobile G1 triggered by the enthusiasm and positive impact on customers will enjoy a mobile life." T-Mobile USA chief marketing officer, said Denny Marie Post, "In fact, these reservations in the G1 Users, about half opted for basic phone (non-contract). G1 design, functionality and pricing for the public to create a truly accessible equipment. "

Google said that China must shut down all the gray agents

Yesterday, Google 2008 Winter Marketing Forum held in Beijing, at which Google announced that it would limit China to close all the gray agents.

Due to an increasing number of phishing, click fraud, Google AdWords in China Keywords advertising business also suffered. Google vice president of global Liu Yun said: "We all advertising is all the pay-per-click, the so-called package, the monthly pay of the way Google is absolutely not allowed. Google has developed a final deadline and details of the plan , Will remove gray agents across the country.'s Great strength is that previously never seen before. "

Liu Yun yesterday and did not disclose the specific clean-up deadline, but said that each agency has set a clear timetable for the clean-up on a regular basis, while at the same time protect the interests of end-users from loss, but because of legal, business and other , The process is relatively complicated, it is not totally "across the board".

Liu Yun said: "The global economy is at a critical turning point, the old economic structure and business models will be facing major changes, but the current challenges and great opportunities, consumer groups have been digitized, enterprises need to Match with a new marketing model. "

Friday, November 7, 2008

Firefox in 100 plug-in installed, remains stable

Firefox fans a whim, and want to test how the stability of Firefox in the end, the test method? In Firefox to install a plug-in 100.

The tests were installed Mozilla Web site recommended by 100 plug-in (Firefox plug-in the total number of the current total of 1148)The use of a few hours after, Firefox has remained stable, although somewhat slower speed

See chart

Microsoft Windows 7 PCs will be Christmas 2009 holiday shopping season during the listing.

Doug Howe confirmed that the next-generation operating system pre-installed Microsoft Windows 7 PCs will be Christmas 2009 holiday shopping season during the listing.
Doug ho on the first day of Microsoft's Vista operating system to promote the strategy, Microsoft said Vista Velocity to promote the project will continue until the spring of next year to further enhance Vista's computer shipments. He added that the promotion of the project in the future will also apply to Windows 7 operating system. During his speech, he hinted, Windows 7 will be completed by the summer of next year the development and delivery to major PC manufacturers; As a result, major PC makers could be next year in the pre-Christmas launch of Windows 7 Taiwan And notebook-computer.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Evaluation antivirus software, Microsoft's OneCare disappointing

Media reports in recent days held by the world's first anti-virus product evaluation, Microsoft OneCare performed poorly in paragraph 17 of the antivirus products ranks at the end.

The assessment of the impact of Austria's AV Comparatives Web site owners to host Andreas Clementi, the final ranking of the top of Germany's Anti-Virus Kit (AVK), Microsoft's OneCare will be 17 in the final rankings of products. AV Comparatives is an independent anti-virus software regularly publish the results of the test site, in this area has a certain authority.

In February this year to carry out the assessment test, Clementi opted for a total of 17 anti-virus products, including BitDefender's Anti-Virus 10 Professional Plus, Fortinet's FortiClient 3.0.308, McAfee of McAfee VirusScan 11.1.124, as well as Symantec's Norton AntiVirus In the course of testing, these products have to upgrade to Feb. 2 of the virus database, and uses the best configuration. The process of testing the application of the CPC over 1,000,000 kind of virus samples.

Test results showed that Germany's G Data Security Software's Anti-Virus Kit killing 99.45% of the virus and eventually top the list; the second is TrustPort Antivirus Workstation, killing the virus was 99.36%; top The third is the Antivir Personal Edition Premium, killing the virus was 98.85%; F-Secure Anti-Virus 2007 7.01.128 finished fourth, killing the virus rate of 97.91 percent; the Kaspersky antivirus software ranking Fifth, killing the virus was 97.89 percent.

In the well-known anti-virus software vendors, Symantec products ranked sixth, killing the virus was 96.83%; Fortinet ranked 10th, killing the virus was 93.99%; McAfee ranked 14th, the virus killing rate To 91.63 percent; Microsoft is listed at the end of the virus killing rate was only 82.40 percent. Clementi said that he was not surprised by this result. He said: "Other independent tests a few months ago who had come to similar results, coupled with a week and I are concerned about the anti-virus software vendor's latest developments, so long anticipated such an outcome."

Clementi pointed out that the well-known anti-virus software vendors, Symantec's performance is very good, their products can reliably detect various forms of the virus. At the same time, he said: "Usually, I only tested the virus in the rate of killing more than 85%. I thought that Microsoft's OneCare to meet this standard, but the results disappointed me. OneCare, Microsoft will participate in the future remains to be tested Further assessment. "

Google and Yahoo to abandon plans to co-operation

Google announced that Yahoo and cooperation between the ad has been canceled due to government agencies and other advertisers have been worried about this transaction.

Google senior vice president and chief counsel David Drummond said: "After four months of study, including consideration of a variety of co-operation agreement for changes, we are well aware of the Government and regulators are still part of the advertisers on this co-operation Doubt. If we continue (with Yahoo adhere to the co-operation), there is not only legal risks of a lawsuit, we will also damage and other important partners. In that case, and Google will be detrimental to the long-term interests of our customers, so we decided to terminate (with the Yahoo's) cooperation. "

David Drummond expressed deep disappointment, but at the same time stressed that Google do not want to distract the attention of a long legal dispute, and the impact on the company's innovation and development.

For Google's decision, Yahoo also expressed regret. The company pointed out that "very disappointed Google has chosen to give up co-operation, rather than fight in court."

However, an informed source, Yahoo is working with Microsoft to 17-19 U.S. dollars per share price negotiations. Yahoo, despite denying the rumors, but Yahoo's stock price is still up more than 8 percent. Google and Microsoft shares have been falling.

Evaluation:Norton Internet Security 2009

In Norton Internet Security 2009, Symantec to address a number of users, greatly reduces the software resources of the occupied comprehensive performance improvement and increase of white list functions, monitors and scanners to improve the efficiency of the new Inspired by the high-virus scanning technology has greatly increased the detection of unknown viruses circumstances. Virus and the Treasury and the upgrade process has achieved rapid real-time updates of the short period of time.

1, software installation and interface

Norton Internet Security 2009 (referred to as the NIS 2009) introduced a new design of its own installation package, making installation of speed than the old version (2008 and refers to the previous version) has been a qualitative change from a click on "Agree and Install" Start time to complete the installation of the entire installation process, less than 2 minutes (not including the activation of the operation). The percentage of the progress of the installation of the accession to allow users to more easily grasp the situation of the installation.

Compared to the previous version, if you do not have serial numbers, then only 15-day trial period. This activation will be reminded every time you open the main NIS 2009 interface automatically pop.

NIS 2009 has been the main interface of the new design gives the appearance and feeling generous. The main interface, an increase of system resources and the use of the percentage of Norton diagram, the user can see the visual system resources and occupation of NIS 2009 occupancy of resources. Users can NIS 2009 "set up in other settings →" to open the main interface of the transparent effect and replace the background color.

2, the new functional glance

Real-time protection update

First of all, I put NIS 2009 the virus database upgrade to the latest version, in order to run it up-to-date. Speaking of upgrades, NIS 2009 had to mention the real-time update function. In an earlier version of the characteristics of the virus definition files and update the average time is about 7 hours, and in the NIS 2009 in the official and do real-time synchronization server (the official claim that every 5-15 minutes to update protection), this update includes the characteristics of the virus, Definition files, firewall rules, program updates, and so on, the longest interval of 15 minutes will automatically be updated online. In the update is also satisfied with the speed, the time has been updated to download files to update the size of the document shows.

Real-time occupation of resources to know

Click on the main interface of the "CPU Usage" button, you can enter the CPU utilization of options, where you can view 90 minutes and the system memory usage, but also that of NIS 2009 to form the updates. Noted that there were free countdown, the default countdown time was 10 minutes, when the system idle time to set the time to reach NIS 2009 will trigger a "fast idle scan" and "Automatic LiveUpdate", and other actions.

Reduce the burden on the system, "Norton Insight"

NIS 2009 a new automated process for the assessment of the functions of stars through the evaluation process so that users know what the process is trusted. Click on the main interface, "Norton Insight" after entering. When you first enter this option, NIS 2009 the system will process a complete scan, the scanning process takes longer, after the computer networking when the process of real-time updates / information program list. When a process / procedure after NIS 2009 and a reliable marker for the process / procedure, NIS 2009 will no longer be scanned, so as to speed up the implementation of the efficiency of NIS 2009 to reduce the burden on the system.

The confidence level is divided into two categories, "Norton trust" on behalf of the Norton files that do not have security threat, and the "community of trust" were written while the majority of users Norton does not think this threat. The star ratings are divided into 5-star or five-star and that the risk is low. You can click on the "expand all" to see the process for each module, and click on a process of "document details the button" to see the details of the process.
This is Symantec's NIS 2009 to join the new technology "Norton Insight", the NIS 2009 installed in the computer, not only those who trust in the document will be constantly scanning and monitoring, and the document will be trusted Was ignored, so for this feature to optimize the system performance is obvious. This technology is also a certain degree manslaughter to avoid a situation occurred because of the trust document has been excluded from the scan.

Here you can also click on the "check specific documents" to a file on a separate rating

If you have a special computer security requirements that do not scan some of the documents is unsafe, they can enter the "Settings → scanning performance profile" in setting the level of the document scanning.

Full scan: NIS 2009 will be the implementation of a complete computer scan all documents, including trust documents

Standard confidence: NIS 2009 will rule out the possibility of belonging to the "Norton confidence," the document scanning

A high degree of confidence: NIS 2009 will rule out the possibility of having known or digital signatures of known confidence level of document scanning

Enhance the ability of the virus killing a "high-level protection heuristic"

We can also open the NIS 2009's "High heuristic protection" option, which will strengthen the function of NIS 2009 of the unknown virus killing ability. NIS 2009 detects if a document is sufficiently suspicious features will be included in the document identified as a threat to the infected file.

Does not affect the normal work of "idle scanning"

Also remember that "free countdown," Mody, "idle scanning" when your computer is idle scan task, if you do not like it, it can be shut down.

Does not affect the game's entertainment, "silent mode"

You do not want to believe in full-screen mode when playing games to the software security warning box to interrupt, NIS 2009 increased by a "silent mode" to ensure that your games, movies and so on do not want the case will not be interrupted There are warning of the emergence of information and software updates will not be carried out.

Safety and protection of the surfing automatically fill in a form of support for the "browser toolbar"

NIS 2009 to see another browser toolbar (Firefox has had support), which integrates network and anti-phishing feature automatically fill in a form
Automatic feature to fill in a form of support for older versions of data import, eliminating the need for users to set up the trouble.

Without user intervention, "smart two-way firewall"

NIS 2009 firewall function also improved, the default user does not need to intervene in the proceedings to determine whether or not to carry out intelligent network can automatically a variety of network intrusion protection and hacker attacks. If you feel or to decide whether to allow the interconnection process, can be "set → Internet firewall settings intelligent → → Advanced Settings → → automatic configuration program," select "shut down."

If you can not be a normal network, you can "set → Internet firewall settings intelligent → → → configuration program" to find the corresponding procedures, and it is set to "allow" it.

It should be noted that, when running NIS 2009 in "silent mode" when the next. NIS 2009 will automatically open the "automatic control" and disable the "high-level event monitoring" function.

3. Intercept malicious Web site testing

Today the virus is a major media network of course, so anti-virus software for virus protection level page is a very important measure of the option, I tested using a number of loopholes in the system and loopholes in the browser to pegged to the horse's Web site, NIS 2009 is very good to make the interception.

HIV testing package

As the writer and not likely to get more than the entire virus to be tested, and packaged on-line virus package also tends to be too old viruses, and even includes some of the Dos virus, so the author can only be in its own major collection of up-to-date virus community HIV prevalence of more than 180 samples to be tested. The test in a popular collection of viruses, and adding a number of friends use to reflect their anti-virus software can not check out, but other antivirus software can detect the suspected virus. Does not have extensive personal collection, so the test for reference only. In contrast to the well-known anti-virus software, ESET Smart Security. Both to upgrade to the latest version of the virus database. NIS 2009 in two tests, one for the closure of the "high-level heuristic protection," another set of "high-level heuristic protection" to "take the initiative."

In the course of the two scans are used in the "discovery of the virus, rather than operate to remove the operation to clear," the results: ESET Smart Security scanned documents for the remaining 9, NIS 2009 to close the "high-level protection heuristic" scanning the results of the remaining 12, set up the "high-level heuristic protection" to "active" document for the remaining 10.

The end of the testing process

First of all, use Task Manager to the NIS 2009 2 the end of the process to operate the process. Results: not the end of the process

Then use the name of Ding Ding IceSword of NIS 2009 of 2 to carry out the process of the end of the operation of the process, bearing in mind that the number of stubborn in the process lost all of his IceSword. The results: the successful conclusion of the NIS 2009 2 process, but well after the end of the process, looks like NIS 2009 is still in the background to protect your computer? I tested the virus in the open folder automatically deleted when it has the virus, but no tips. The two have been the end of the process, even in 5 minutes after the automatic "back to life."


From the above we can see, Norton Internet Security 2009 to focus on products to enhance performance, not only to provide a powerful security guarantee in this effort at the same time does not affect computer performance. Immediately upgrade the NIS to allow time to run up-to-date, and simple operation also enables users to easily start

Google patch flaws Android

Google and T-Mobile has begun to release Android system security patches. G1 was the first to use the mobile phone operating system Android. Google quickly make up for the launch of Android security patch security holes move, broad market has been well received.

According to media reports, Google spokesman said the security patch to fix Android Web browser flaw, but also made some other minor changes. All mobile phone users to buy G1 in the six-week will receive a text message: "The updated system is now available." Follow will be updated now on, or after the update option. If users choose to click to start updating, it will take a few minutes to download and install a new software, and then the phone will start to work.

Oct. 24 when, Android operating system found loopholes in the news was made public. At that time, market division as an independent safety reviews CharlieMiller, MarkDaniel and JakeHonoroff have pointed out that Android's Web browser is quite serious, but Google has had to refute. Google said the market found that the problem is not serious, because the design of the structure of Android can prevent more serious problems.

Google earlier in the call for comment on the security division can "responsibly release" Android the safety of the system. In other words, Google hopes to be able to trade the company some time in order to quickly deal with security issues found to prevent hackers have the opportunity during this period of time to exploit to launch attacks. In terms of software companies and independent safety reviews between the division has been a tense relationship, which has become a hacker can use.

China, tens of thousands of computers poisoning

360 from the Security Center revealed the news in the near future in order to avoid the black screen to download Microsoft's patch, many users turn off the automatic update system, which gives hackers are using loopholes in the system the opportunity to do evil, the network began a large number of "grasping Sophora automatic chicken "Malicious, and other tools, and quickly spread.

Some have been misled by the users to reflect: by the "clean-up wave" of attacks on the system will be "svchost.exe application error" prompt, whether click "OK" or "Cancel" button, the system or network break, or collapse, for example, computer Desktop display for the garbage, not in response to the procedure, unable to open the Task Manager, the endless variety of symptoms, the use of any anti-virus software will not help, even if the re-system will not solve the problem, in addition to repairing the system in addition to incurable.

360 security experts, hackers will use "Sophora arrested chicken" for such a tool to scan the specified IP paragraph, if not update KB958644 patch of computer networking, fill in the address will be able to download the Trojan to launch long-range attacks, regardless of whether the computer Password for the system or install antivirus software, would have to be at the mercy of others.

eBay to sell Skype, Microsoft Google Panic buying

At present, eBay would like to spread the news of the sale of Skype, Google or Microsoft will be fighting off a new round of mergers and acquisitions.

In 2005 to 2,600,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy eBay's Skype Internet companies over the past nearly 3 years, had hoped to take Skype calls to increase the convenience of the Internet auction proceeds, not only has not seen a profit after the effect of mergers and acquisitions, but Increased operating costs.

However, Skype itself is owned 46% of the annual growth rate in the network market to continue to break new ground, just in the third quarter of 2008 increased to 32,000,000 users to the same period last year growth of 51%. Because no benefit, eBay has now been easy to sell Skype.

A message was heard on the original network into an active market, Google, it seems that there is the will offer to buy Skype, however, in order to maintain the leading status of the communications network, Microsoft has to be outdone, Google also said that after the intention to acquire Skype. The two companies rushing to the aim is to see the world's 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars of business communications

Preview version of Windows 7 (2)

8. UAC

Filed UAC, but Microsoft has a stomach wronged. Had a good function, has not received the desired effect, but all Windows users were unanimous opposition. However, the wronged wronged, in order to fight for everyone's forgiveness, the new version of Windows 7 is still on the UAC was to improve the depth. In addition to a significant reduction in the number of UAC prompts, but also specifically to provide a small tool to help users customize remind level. This is a new classification shows that UAC.

On this Interface, Windows will remind the whole level, has become divided into four categories. Users according to their own needs, free to select different levels. In addition to each class to remind that were set up outside the menu, Windows 7 a maximum change or turn off UAC, the Security Center will not lead to a further warning. However, the author of the test stand, even if the default is "Only notify me when programs try to make changes to my computer" a rarely see UAC prompts. Therefore, if you do not need too much, or as much as possible to open the UAC function well.


9. Solution Center

In addition to the functional improvements, safety is also a new version of Windows 7, an area of particular concern. And the old version of Vista compared to, Windows 7 biggest change is that the "security center" in order to upgrade "Solution Center". To put it simply, Solution Center includes the following main modules: a firewall, automatic updates, anti-virus modules, spyware, UAC, network access control, Windows Defender, Windows backup, Windows to determine fault, such as automated solutions. Moreover, most of these features is the system idle in a state of auto-complete, users need little manual. Moreover, Solution Center interface has been designed to be very concise. No need to operate the function, usually hidden in a state directly. Only those needed to deal with, or is likely to harm the system, according to the Center for Settlement will be marked-level (different levels of the task will be marked in different colors), it is very easy to operate.

Solution Center

10. Windows Media Player 12

In this version of Windows 7 in, Windows Media Player has been upgraded to version v12. And compared to the previous version, v12 a lot of changes. First of all, the new version will be the first player interface and database management separation. Since then, the two non-interfering mode, only when necessary, through the lower right corner of the key switch, the switch can be completed. Moreover, WMP12 in the interface, greater use of the element of transparency. In the course of play, operating at the bottom of the column will automatically hide, to be able to play left panels show a greater space.
Windows Media Player 12

11. Media Center

In addition to WMP 12, the Media Center for Windows 7 is a key to improve the content. In the new version of Media Center, we can see from television to music, almost all of the player. In addition, there are many innovative features, to join. For example, when viewing pictures can use the "wall picture" view of unification browser, music player can see all at the same time, and so on the record album. What is even more amazing is that when the number of over-wall picture, we can also like the iPod, the picture on the wall and drag a 360-degree view,


12. Taskbar

In Windows 7, canceled in the past in order to display text-based, so that instead of the taskbar icon to become the main characters. This design not only save the taskbar space, but also for the whole panel looks more clean and tidy, has greatly enhanced the task of switching accuracy.


Second, the new version of the Taskbar Thumbnails is also a key aspect of improving. And the Vista version of the taskbar thumbnails compared, Windows 7 in the thumbnails, at the same time be able to show the same procedure more abbreviated group page (for example, use IE to open more than one page). Moreover, the package outside of the semi-transparent thumbnail box has been replaced by the dark. Can be a good solution to the vista, can not see the tips of the embarrassing text.

In addition, user-friendly in order to minimize the procedures for carrying out the operation. The new task bar, each is still on the right side of the taskbar icon, and a shortcut menu. Users can easily through the menu, the completion of some of the most basic operations. This is the new Windows 7 in the "Jump List" function.

13. Libraries

I believe the friends carefully, should have found. The new version of Windows 7 Explorer, and Vista is a big difference compared to have. In addition to the new "Favorites", "Computer", "Network", there is an issue that we had never seen before, the "Libraries" function. To put it simply, the main intelligence database for Windows 7 with the home networking features designed. A total of divided into five categories, namely, Document, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos. Its main function is to a number of hard disk (or computer) on the document at the same time to collate the same position (Treasury), with the convenience of Internet users use to share. Of course, in addition to the use of library folder in the upper right corner of the "Locations" function to add new resources away from the path. We can also right-click the icon library, to establish its own intelligence database.


Written on the last

After a brief trial, at the end of this version of Windows 7 have a basic understanding. Have to say is that the leaked version and before, this version of the changes, totally contrary to our surprise. I spent a few hours time, and that only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, in addition to the above changes, the details of the new operating system is also ease of use, new hardware support