Thursday, November 13, 2008

Microsoft will migrate to IE in WebKit

Although Microsoft's InternetExplorer (IE) Web browser in the application of a dominant position, however, that Microsoft's browser has neglected its core technology - search engine. Since the company that its IE lagged behind the industry some of the other browser engine, such as Apple's WebKit, Mozilla's Gecko as well as the Opera's Presto, all of these search engines better than IE browser closer to Web standards. The company said that in the future will focus on its proprietary search engine research and development above.

According to Microsoft's Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer Steve: The company may consider the open source WebKit browser engine used in the IE browser, such a move would be the development trend of the network will have a tremendous impact And to help IE browser back on track.

Note: WebKit is an open source web browser layout engine, with the engine Gecko (Mozilla, Firefox, such as the use of the layout engine) and Trident (also known as MSHTML, IE using the layout engine). At the same time, WebKit is Apple Mac OS X system framework version of the name of the engine, mainly for Safari, Dashboard, Mail and other Mac OS X program.

WebKit contains WebCore layout engine and JSCore engine from KDE's KHTML and KJS, then compared the Apple Gecko and KHTML, still chose the latter, because it has a clear structure of the source, the fast pace of play up.

Microsoft's top browser for the Sydney engaged in a fierce debate, though, as Baumol IE browser plug-in for the exclusive defense, but he said that in the future, in order to make IE to better adapt to the Web standards, it may be necessary To provide an additional service.

Microsoft's senior implied, may be the use of open-source browser engine, WebKit, to expand IE browser. Baumol recognition and better adapt to the Web standard for all Internet users is good news.

The preparation of IE browser page code to use a lot of time and money, and the use of Web standards can make web development easier.

IE browser and Mozilla's proprietary engine Gecko, Opera's Presto, as well as Apple's WebKit competition among other mainstream browsers have a direct role in promoting. Presto running on the desktop Opera browser itself, at present, there OperaMini a wide range of mobile devices, Firefox, as well as their corresponding mobile Fennec is driven by the Gecko. WebKit and in the Chrome Google Android browser, as well as the internal operation of the system, and applications on the desktop, Apple's Safari all kinds of mobile version, Adobe's AIR platform, the Nokia Series60 browser, as well as rarely used Omniweb, Shiira and iCab browser.

In the Acid3 test, IE engine performance have not been very effective. In order to pass the test to use the browser's default settings, is a perfect 100/100 points. Into the highest current version Opera9.52 (84 points), followed by Chrome (79 points), Safari 3.0.3 version (75 hours), Firefox3.0.3 version (71 hours), and IE7's score was only 14 Points, lagging far behind other browsers. The use of the latest WebKit, Presto and the Gecko version of the test, Safari4Beta the score of 100 points, Opera 9.6 Beta (99 points), Firefox 3.1 Beta (87 points), IE8Beta2 (21). Safari, Opera Mini, FirefoxFennec mobile version of the score of 100 points, 99 points, 88 points. As the Microsoft WindowsMobile the IE browser for small t the lack of support, so that it can not run the Acid3 test.

At present, IE in the aging process, as well as t explain its proprietary browser engine, making a lot of IE users to search for the other browser to replace IE. NetApplication in October, according to the statistics show, IE's market share showed a declining trend. Since the beginning of this year, IE's market share has lost 4.2 percentage points in October, IE's market share was only 71.27 percent, hitting its lowest point ever. The Firefox browser market share hit a record high of 19.7%, 20% from just 0.3 percentage points.

In order to make IE the browser has become more rapid, more in line with consumer demand, Microsoft will no doubt make the IE browser to switch to faster and more secure search engine.


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