Saturday, November 1, 2008

Microsoft how it will end up black?

May 1: Microsoft to stop and notice
Such a possibility is quite large, that made Microsoft's own announcement, saying it would stop for some reason, black screen action. For example, Microsoft may notice: "In view of the company's recently launched anti-piracy activities in China have made more effective, and piracy have a greater deterrent effect, with immediate effect from the Company in mainland China to stop the activities of × × , And other related anti-piracy operations will depend on the circumstances of the case. The Company will, as always, to include mainland China, the world's users with the highest quality products and services and continue to promote the use of legitimate software companies, and Any of the fight against piracy to retain all means. "
As for whether the acts of piracy as a deterrent to see if Microsoft's own understanding of how, at least on the surface of the legitimate purchase of a significant increase is the role of the performance of one of the action. This is a way to the next level, as a world-class large companies, Microsoft is likely to do more, because at the start of the operation carried out before and have made a corresponding announcement, the announcement of the extension Are quite normal practice.
May 2: Microsoft is not made to stop the voices quietly
In talks with a number of friends is that many people believe that the possibility of more.
Can understand it, Microsoft has always maintained that its anti-piracy "black" operation is legitimate rights, although in China there are a number of repercussions, but the action is necessary to continue or stop, made no announcement can be made completely Microsoft may decide.
However, I think this although the possibility is there, but to act in accordance with Microsoft's current habits, do not engage in this kind of "run out of steam" thing or not to stop the black screen, or on re-starting formal notice to stop black Action. If Microsoft made no sound, may weaken the deterrent effect of this action will also affect Microsoft's future conduct similar actions.
May 3: Gudao be a lawyer was to stop rebel
Recently, there have been a lawyer to the court, the General Administration of Commerce and Industry and other departments to prosecute Microsoft, said Microsoft's "black" operation is a violation of the interests of users of illegal and said Microsoft's request fined billions of dollars in fines. Well, there may be a Microsoft lawyer Gao Dao was the rebel action to stop black and fined.
Although such a possibility does not currently appear to be a great, but the lawyers will be that Microsoft's conduct rights accused of monopolistic behavior, and said: "On the surface, Microsoft is in the rights, but in fact no real right of all computer systems And agree with the administration of justice, administrative law-enforcement procedures for gaining access to computer systems, such an act is against the law, and 'hackers' attacks have not essentially different from, a violation of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of computer users to information systems security, privacy, etc. . "
General counsel of things, should there be sufficient proof and the evidence, which was due to Microsoft's lawyer and nephew were stopped by rebels may have black, although there are claims that the lawyers took the opportunity to "well-known."
May 4: the great voice of the civil forced to stop
In some cases, the voice of civil society will play a role, especially in the fast-growing Internet today. Importance as a public relations company, related public opinion had to be taken into account, there is the voice of civil society as a result of Microsoft's enormous and was forced to stop the possibility of black, but the possibility of relatively small.
This is because Microsoft may claim that the user's attention, but public opinion is often distributed, no organization, it is difficult to have a formal way to express to Microsoft. In addition, Microsoft can ask the so-called "public opinion" by what the user's express? By the majority of the users or customers expressed by the majority of piracy? If the latter, of course, the voice of opposition to a higher.
Therefore, Microsoft can not say that the organization may be small-scale users of pirated by the majority of opinion polls to participate in one-sided.
Therefore, the possibility of such a relatively small.
May 5: State departments have been suspended
This possibility is the creation by the National Copyright Administration recently with the China Computer Federation and other countries with the views expressed by academic institutions arising. They understand that although Microsoft's conduct rights, but pointed out that Microsoft's black "head too." As the State Copyright Bureau and the China Computer Society of China is the official and academic representatives, they have to respond to the increasingly important role.
In addition, relevant departments have been put forward, Microsoft's actions violated the black screen of China's related laws Rights or procedures, requests by the state departments of Microsoft's actions to stop black.
As a result, the possibility of such a small but still. However, even if possible, by the State which should be relevant departments to stop? Ministry of Information Industry, or SAIC? In some cases, we may have some good fighting over control, things may be difficult to escape quickly, which is not in the past it had never existed.
May 6: Microsoft will continue to black in the end
Such a possibility is quite large. That is, in the absence of too many large-scale organized opposition to public opinion, nor was a lawyer Gao Dao, the relevant state departments to intervene, and so there is no case, of course, Microsoft is likely to choose to continue to black in the end. After all, this action, Microsoft is also making sure for a long time and never give up easily.
If this continues for a long time, it was also the title of this article asked the same question, then there could be above the 5 other possibilities. However, this possibility will continue for a long time are also difficult to say, because Microsoft is to seize the majority of the users of pirated a psychological, and that is: I have rights, you also been pirated me, I could not grasp Zhengchou piracy Typical, who was not exactly come out and hit the door to an anti-I were an. If Microsoft is no one to break this logic, then Microsoft will continue to black in the end even longer period of time.
In any case, Microsoft IT users black screen on the psychological effects of a greater impact than the other black on the computer user may be invasive and caused the leakage of information concerns so that everyone will be Microsoft's black events continue to progress More attention.


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