Thursday, November 6, 2008

Google and Yahoo to abandon plans to co-operation

Google announced that Yahoo and cooperation between the ad has been canceled due to government agencies and other advertisers have been worried about this transaction.

Google senior vice president and chief counsel David Drummond said: "After four months of study, including consideration of a variety of co-operation agreement for changes, we are well aware of the Government and regulators are still part of the advertisers on this co-operation Doubt. If we continue (with Yahoo adhere to the co-operation), there is not only legal risks of a lawsuit, we will also damage and other important partners. In that case, and Google will be detrimental to the long-term interests of our customers, so we decided to terminate (with the Yahoo's) cooperation. "

David Drummond expressed deep disappointment, but at the same time stressed that Google do not want to distract the attention of a long legal dispute, and the impact on the company's innovation and development.

For Google's decision, Yahoo also expressed regret. The company pointed out that "very disappointed Google has chosen to give up co-operation, rather than fight in court."

However, an informed source, Yahoo is working with Microsoft to 17-19 U.S. dollars per share price negotiations. Yahoo, despite denying the rumors, but Yahoo's stock price is still up more than 8 percent. Google and Microsoft shares have been falling.


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