Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Wall Street Journal: Yahoo to lay off 1,000

"The Wall Street Journal" reported Monday, sources said Monday, local time, Yahoo is expected to be released fiscal second time this week, announced cost-cutting program. It is reported that Yahoo's cost-cutting program will include job cuts and other things.
The source said that the current round of layoffs Yahoo precise number is still not clear at present, but is expected to be laid off in January this year, more than 1,000 of the scale. In addition, despite the current round of layoffs in the company as a whole, but which specific positions will be laid off, Yahoo still need several weeks to the public. As of June 30, Yahoo has a global total of about 14,300 employees. Prior to this, Silicon Valley, California, "San Jose Mercury News," and several House Science and Technology Web site reported that in Tuesday Yahoo released its fiscal 2008 third quarter was reported at the same time, also announced layoffs, the number of layoffs of at least 1,000 people. The source also said that the outside world also requires some Yahoo executives confirmed that Yahoo's operating budget reduction is 15%.
Yahoo introduced cost-cutting program, the economic crisis is already affecting the technology industry. In the past many years, with Google, MySpace and Facebook progressive development and expansion of Yahoo's revenue and profit growth has been in constant decline. Earlier this year, Yahoo rejected Microsoft's 31 U.S. dollars per share acquisition program. Microsoft, Yahoo announced that it would submit an offer to buy, the billionaire investor Carl radical. Icahn (Carl Icahn) to buy Yahoo stock has been on a large scale and to consider the adoption of an agent to launch the battle for control of Yahoo's board of directors. In the end, Icahn won in three seats in the Yahoo board of directors, board of directors announced the settlement with Yahoo. Microsoft announced the acquisition of Yahoo to give up, Yahoo's stock price over the past 3 months fell by 43%. The supremacy of Friday's close, Yahoo's stock price only 12.90 U.S. dollars.
Microsoft's acquisition offer in the revocation, Yahoo on its management team was reorganized, and the introduction of new products, to try to improve the company's share price. But these initiatives in enhancing the company's share price, or to allow employees to restore the confidence of investors and deaf ear to it. Yahoo announced last month, has commissioned a management consulting firm Bain (Bain & Co) to help optimize the organizational structure to improve the performance of the company. The source said that Bain Yahoo to provide the final recommendations will likely include layoffs. In addition, Yahoo has a new board of directors continues to consider a number of other programs, including with Time Warner's America Online Internet sector merger.
The source said that the two companies negotiating for several months. The two sides discussed in the beginning, the two sides for America Online to determine the market value of about 8,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 US dollars. The two sides in accordance with the plan, Yahoo will be the acquisition of AOL, Time Warner will be a minority stake in Yahoo.
Prior to Yahoo and Google announced that it would have been in the area of Internet advertising. Google and Yahoo co-operation, the sales agent will make Google part of the Yahoo network of advertising, some advertisers worry that the transaction could lead to price increases and advertising to raise objections. According to comScore statistics, in August at the Google Web search market share and further increase to 63 percent, while Yahoo and Microsoft were down 19.6 percent and 8.3 percent. Prior to show that there are all kinds of information, Google and Yahoo co-operation may be Run into a wall of the Ministry of Justice, in particular, has been reported that the Ministry of Justice has commissioned a top antitrust lawyer Sandy. Vick, (Sandy Litvack) involved in investigating the transaction. Vick, in the former U.S. president Jimmy. Carter (Jimmy Carter) in power, as the Justice Department antitrust officials, he also served as vice president of the Walt Disney Company. In addition, Microsoft is also strongly lobbying the Government to prevent the transactions carried out.
U.S. investment firm SIG analyst Marianne. Volcker (Marianne Wolk), said that considering the current economic situation, Yahoo to cut 10-15 percent of the cost is "wise." But Volcker also said that cost-cutting on the Yahoo employees to resign voluntarily while the graphics and advertising revenue fell sharply deaf ear to it.
Yahoo previously expected third quarter revenue will be from 1,780,000,000 to 1,980,000,000 US dollars for the whole year in revenue from 7,350,000,000 to 7,850,000,000 US dollars. Yahoo will consider whether to cut full-year revenue forecast is still unknown.


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