Sunday, November 9, 2008

Buffett and Google CEO Schmidt become Obama senior economic adviser

The newly elected president of the United States Barack Obama to appoint a senior adviser to the team for its pre-economic issues related to the guidance.

"God stocks," Buffett and google CEO Eric Schmidt, and so is a member of.

Obama's team - the transition of the U.S. Trade Advisory Committee (TEAB) will be held this week, five of the first meeting to discuss the current state of the economy, as well as the oath of office before the need to do to prepare.

On behalf of the members, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summer, the former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin billionaire, Lunbafeite WarrenBuffett, Time Warner chairman Dick Parsons, chief executive officer of Xerox, Anne Mulcahy , Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who is Obama to run for office at the time of loyal supporters. Obama's major economic aide to one of Laura Tyson will transition into the Trade Advisory Committee, the Clinton administration, he served as chairman of the Association of Economic Advisers.

The New York Fed Chairman Tim Geithner will be missed here.


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