Friday, November 14, 2008

Yahoo on December 10 to lay off staff or the beginning of 3,000,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy AOL

Yahoo's time for a new round of job cuts have been identified. According to the plan, the company will start on December 10 on a global scale layoffs. Yahoo in the Oct. 21 release in the third quarter of fiscal time announced that the company will lay off before the end of the year by 10%, which means the company at least 1430 people before Christmas to leave Yahoo.

The source said that the current round of job cuts, Yahoo will continue to be the world number 10% of the total number of employees. However, if the deterioration of the prospects of the company may be forced to carry out further layoffs. The source said Yahoo is unlikely to present once again announced massive layoffs, because the rate cuts would result in too general to a certain extent. Yahoo so far from the founder of the company has not experienced such a scale layoffs.

The source said that although Yahoo co-founder, Jerry Yang, CEO and president Susan Decker (Sue Decker) will be forced to leave the news spread, but there can be sexual, Jerry Yang and Decker The layoffs will not be in left. At present, both of the above for Yahoo's long-term development plans, which may include Time Warner's America Online Internet sector (AOL) deal.

It is reported that Yahoo and Time Warner merger is still on America Online to discuss the issue, but the price has been unable to reach an agreement on the issue. The two companies from the news that Time Warner would like to 6,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of the sale price of America Online, Yahoo, but the only hope of not more than 3,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of the purchase price of AOL.

As the stock price since Microsoft Yahoo announced Yahoo acquisition to give up after falling sharply, so if the deal with Time Warner, part of the transaction may be convertible by the way. In addition, if the success of the two companies merge, then there will be more people will lose their jobs because of business overlap.

Yahoo's stock price Friday in Nasdaq trading practices in the industry to close at 10.82 U.S. dollars, representing close down 0.33 U.S. dollars, a decrease of 2.96 percent. In after-hours trading, Yahoo shares rose 0.03 U.S. dollars, or 0.28 percent, to close at 10.85 U.S. dollars. Over the past 52 weeks, Yahoo's stock price as low as 9.76 U.S. dollars, up to 30.25 U.S. dollars. Yahoo's current share price, Yahoo is only the market value of 150 million.


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