Saturday, November 1, 2008

U.S. financial crisis spread to Internet advertising

U.S. leading newspaper group, "The New York Times" newspaper's holding, "the International Herald Tribune" Web site today published an article pointing out that although most of the industry have previously said that the United States as well as global network advertising industry will not be subject to U.S. financial crisis, but on the various To see signs that the U.S. financial crisis has spread to the negative effects of Internet advertising industry, especially for the Internet start-up companies is extremely detrimental to growth in the market.
Industry sources, despite the global network of major advertisers are still increasing ad spending, but the corresponding growth rate has started to slow down this phenomenon in the United States, especially in Britain. UK market research company Enders Analysis analyst Yienmode (Ian Maude) said: "The U.S. financial crisis, the impact of advertising on the Internet than people expected. And a few years ago, the global online advertising industry will face severe challenges. "
Britain, for example, in the country every year in advertising expenditure, 20% of the advertising network, the rate of the first in the world. Revenue-standard, the United Kingdom each year, about the equivalent of network advertising sales in Germany, France and Italy combined. Maud that although the UK this year, online advertising revenue growth is still expected to reach 18.5 percent, but it does not increase and half in 2007. He said that in the UK this year, the new network ad revenue growth, the vast majority of the flow of the text search ads. In other words, display advertising will be hard hit.
Well-known international accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PricewaterhouseCoopers) data released earlier showed that during the first half of 2008, the United Kingdom 58% of Internet advertising into the text of the search advertising services, and Google (Google) and which accounted for 87% of the . Text search advertising is more potential for growth is the main reason: Such users can ads directly into all types of e-commerce sites, so that advertisers will soon be able to earn money; to pay more attention to the actual advertisers, they Show interest in advertising has decreased.
U.S. market research company Nielsen released data also show that in the first half of this year, the United Kingdom showed that advertising revenue for the 497,000,000 U.S. dollars, lower than the same period last year, 575,000,000 U.S. dollars. Analysts said, with the exception of Britain, the United States and other major powers online advertising market, the corresponding growth markets are also signs of slowing down. Not only that, and other new types of video ads advertising model will have a financial crisis in the United States.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Internet analyst Eva Berg - Winters (Eva Berg-Winters) said that as the current global economic downturn, the major advertisers in the network running ads on the matter with the utmost care. More attention to their ad networks can pull the product sales. As a result, the majority of advertisers will take into account the reduced amount of ad networks, and increase the delivery of traditional television advertising efforts.
Bad omen show
The industry have pointed out that for a large number of Internet start-up companies, the above-mentioned phenomenon is obviously a bad omen. These start-ups had thought through the blog and social networking sites, music services, video sharing and other Web 2.0 services, advertisers can get all kinds of all ages. However, the U.S. financial crisis struck, forcing a large number of advertisers considered only in very high name recognition, a large volume of Web site advertising.
U.S. market research firm eMarketer analyst Deborah Williamson Lae Huo (Debra Aho Williamson), said: "The time of an economic downturn, advertisers will be invested well-known Web site advertising network." In other words, in the future, such as search giant Google acquired ad The amount will increase further. In addition, MySpace, Facebook, and other relatively well-known social networking Web site will also be an increase in advertising volume.
But for those smaller Internet start-up companies, and their ads will significantly reduce, these enterprises will face pressure to survive. That is why recently a large number of U.S. Internet venture has announced that it would take measures to layoffs. Analysts say these Internet venture, they should perhaps consider seeking advertising network outside of markets development.


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