Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yahoo CEO the next task comparable to Obama

Yahoo's board of directors announced Monday that once to find a successor, Jerry Yang will resign from his current post as chief executive officer (CEO) post. Some analysts pointed out that this Tuesday, no matter who is Jerry Yang took over the location of his (her) to act as the role of the United States with the next president is quite similar to Barack Obama - took over cleaning up the mess, it will have settled down.

Analysts said that no matter who the next Yahoo as CEO, Yahoo will need to consider the sale of some non-core assets in order to make Yahoo the "traveling light" and the network core advertising business with Google and other social media site for a high - Next.

In May this year, Jerry Yang rejected Microsoft's February 1 this year, is put forward a request to buy Yahoo. On November 5 this year, Google announced the initiative to give up with Yahoo's advertising network, so that in the short term to enhance Jerry Yang, Yahoo's advertising revenue completely dashed hopes. In this case, Jerry Yang had long ago been forced to reconsider the request of the Microsoft acquisition of Yahoo, Jerry Yang, fully reflects the indecisive character.

U.S. well-known market research company Gartner analyst Andrew Frank said: "Jerry Yang, Yahoo announced that the outgoing board of directors, is tantamount to the outside world to issue such a signal: Yahoo needed a more decisive action to those who led the company to move forward in order to Yahoo regain self-confidence. "Frank also believes that his successor Jerry Yang, the outside world must be convinced that Yahoo can work out an effective mode of the market and be able to resolutely implement.

Frank said: "For the moment, however, whether the introduction of new services or develop new products, Yahoo has little to write home about. In the need for the introduction of new products and services, the need for an alliance with other business matters, Yahoo needs a more decisive Force. "

Re-evaluation of assets

Another U.S. market research firm JupiterResearch analyst David Card said Yahoo's new CEO, after coming to power, we must re-evaluate Yahoo's assets. Over the years, the implementation of the Yahoo portal is a model, but Google's search business, Yahoo's portal model of profitability is much higher than Google. In addition, Yahoo's good show in the field of advertising, the company also faced with the Facebook Web site, and other social challenges. Packard said: "For the above-mentioned two aspects of the threat, Yahoo is currently not able to come up with an effective program to deal with."

Packard believes that another point of view, the advantage of Yahoo have a large, loyal user base high, which is the user group advertisers like to advertise the ultimate target, "In theory, Yahoo could further strengthen its The social networking site elements, so that advertisers more targeted advertising network. "

Packard said that in addition to display advertising, Yahoo's search business must attach importance to the future; as text search ads more targeted in order to be able to make Yahoo the overall advertising revenue growth, "we must clarify the text of the Yahoo search ads with display ads between Difference between the text and search advertising business turnaround. Yahoo came to power after the next CEO, the outside world must be convinced that Yahoo have the ability to search the text of a substantial increase in advertising revenue. "

Obama comparable to the heavy responsibility

U.S. market research firm Sterling Market Intelligence Principal Analyst Greg Sterling believes that the new Yahoo CEO since he took office, the importance of maintaining good Yahoo technology products and the balance between the media business, "Whoever is the next Yahoo as CEO, he (she), The role of the United States to serve as the next president is quite similar to Obama - took over cleaning up the mess, it will have settled down. Although the Yahoo brand awareness high, the asset's performance, but left to the emergence of Yahoo's new CEO Room for mistakes but not many. "

Stirling also said that most of the general staff of Yahoo's state of mind "has been insensitive," Yahoo's new CEO, after coming to power, first of all, employees need to "boost the morale", and employees of the trust, "only with their full staff Recognition, even if Yahoo's new CEO announced lay-offs and business restructuring measures will be approved by the vast majority of ordinary employees. Only in this way, employees will be on Yahoo's prospects. "


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