Thursday, November 6, 2008

Evaluation: Kaspersky 2009

The released version of "Kaspersky anti-virus software 2009" and "all-round anti-virus security software in 2009," Kaspersky 2009 will bring what kind of surprises do? And I work together to try it. In the trial, we will have all-round anti-virus security software to make 2009 a number of features related to the evaluation.

0. Installation

Kaspersky 2009 all-around security software (referred to as KIS 2009) to install the package size is 35.7 MB, the installation process is relatively simple, users can choose to install in the process of "rapid installation" or "custom installation"

1. Interface

Set the computer to restart after installation, KIS 2009 pop-up will prompt you to choose which of the network environment. Can be seen, KIS 2009 for three different user security requirements are classified into three different network environment in which users according to their own needs and decided to use the type of network to protect the environment. KIS 2009 seems more intuitive interface, the user can see at a glance the kinds of protective protection has been opened, the virus database is updated to detect threats and other information. KIS 2009 and support the functions of skin, you can: Set → → appearance of the skin using the optional KIS 2009 for the replacement of the skin.

2. Security options

System security options in the "application filtering" is a function of KIS 2009 to add one of the most useful features. Application filtering will be monitoring all applications to visit important system resources, the user run any new or revised procedures, KIS 2009 analysis of the program will automatically, and in accordance with the procedures of the act and put Corresponding to the group to carry out safety procedures for automatic group (group of trusted, low-restriction group, high-limit group, the group did not trust) to decide on the procedure to run the authority. This feature will be the first to run some of the procedures resulted in the delay.
In the application of the filters in setting the rules, we can be on the USB and Bluetooth device management.
"Network Monitoring" option, we can clearly see that all the procedures of the network, the firewall log and network traffic procedures.
"Security Analysis" option in the system can detect security vulnerabilities with some of the applications. Real test: in the course of testing KIS 2009 detected the author of firefox 3 has a loophole to install, and gives details of the vulnerability

3. Ma page linked to the test

Today the virus is a major media network of course, so anti-virus software for virus protection level page is a very important measure of the option, I tested using a number of loopholes in the system and loopholes in the browser to pegged to the horse's Web site, KIS 2009 are good interception and made

4. Package virus test

As the writer and not likely to get more than the entire virus to be tested, and packaged on-line virus package also tends to be too old viruses, and even includes some of the Dos virus, so the author can only be in its own major collection of up-to-date virus community HIV prevalence of more than 200 samples to be tested. Does not have extensive personal collection, so the test for reference only. In contrast to the well-known anti-virus software, ESET Smart Security. Both to upgrade to the latest version of the virus database. In the course of the two scans are used in the "discovery of the virus, rather than operate to remove the operation to clear," As a result, the remaining after KIS 2009 to scan documents to 5, ESET Smart Security scanned documents for the remaining 6 months.

5. Occupier of resources to test

I restart the computer so that after five minutes do not carry out any operation to ensure that the system is relatively idle state. The KIS 2009 default configuration is used, in my Windows Task Manager for KIS 2009 when they are free and busy time (when the virus scanner) take up the resources to conduct records.

In the virus scan KIS 2009 when the resources to take up the situation: during the height of the cpu occupancy rate of 83% of peak use 94MB of memory cpu average occupancy rate of 30-40% in the maintenance of occupied memory 40MB-50MB.

6. At the end of

Kaspersky all-around security software prior to the 2009 version of contrast, greater emphasis on active defense security. The new application filtering so that the virus acts have no place to escape the procedure, the user can take advantage of this feature for their own computer to build a strong security defense system.


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