Wednesday, November 5, 2008

AMD announced 500 job cuts worldwide accounting for 3% of the total number of employees

According to media reports, AMD announced Wednesday, in order for the troubled company to regain profitability, the company will lay off 500 people in the world, accounting for the world's 3% of the total number of employees.

AMD on Wednesday released a statement saying: "Although the decision to lay off most unfortunate, but it is our goal to eliminate excess costs the company to make more efficient operation of the necessary measures." AMD did not disclose details of the layoffs. However, the company said that the company will be laid off Wednesday to inform employees of the United States.

AMD said the job cuts will not have been involved in the 3000 spin-off of the original chip sector employees.

AMD has released financial results, ended on September 27 in the third quarter, the company's revenue for 1,776,000,000 U.S. dollars, higher than the same period last year 1,558,000,000 U.S. dollars; the company's net loss of 67,000,000 U.S. dollars, a loss per share 11 cents. AMD This is the eighth consecutive quarter of losses.

AMD Wednesday on the Nasdaq stock market transactions of conventional close at 3.55 U.S. dollars, representing close down 0.25 U.S. dollars, a decrease of 6.58 percent. In the past 52 weeks, AMD shares at a minimum of 2.65 U.S. dollars, up to 13.80 U.S. dollars.


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