Saturday, November 1, 2008

Windows Vista's five major causes of failure

Windows Vista's public reputation of "a mess" to describe the point can not be overemphasized. Must say that most of the IT sector have not considered using the Vista operating system. According to market research firm Forrester survey, by the end of June this year (Vista after the launch of the first 18 months), on a global scale, only 8.8 percent of corporate computers are running Vista. At the same time, Microsoft seems to have Windows 7 research and development work put on the agenda, and promised to release next-generation operating system in 2010. All this for the IT sector has provided sufficient reason to cross Vista, "concentrate" to wait for the next generation operating system, Windows 7 release

Despite Microsoft to the PC manufacturers Windows XP license to extend the deadline for six months, but this business about IT is not much impact, because the volume license agreement will allow a lot of IT in the coming years will continue to install WindowsXP However, Microsoft XP extension of the supply agreement of the initiatives is the failure of Vista is another symbol.

What has caused the current predicament of Vista do? Oh, we let the following analysis of the Vista-by-5 big reasons for the failure.

1.Vista compatibility of the poor
Windows XP so popular it was one of the main reasons to absorb the Windows 9x product line with the hardware, software and driver compatibility of a little bit, with the first Windows NT products, and industrial stability and practicality. Compatibility is a big problem. A single, highly compatible with the Windows platform can greatly simplify the user, IT sector, hardware, software suppliers computing experience.
Microsoft releases Windows Vista, might forget or overlook the compatibility issue, because even though Vista has gone through a long trial period, but in January 2007 when the official release it with a lot of existing software and hardware are not Compatible. Due to a number of important procedures and peripheral equipment can not be used in the Vista environment, which makes a lot of IT departments can not use it. Vista is not compatible with the vast majority of the problem is due to Microsoft over the pursuit of the so-called security system.
Early 2000, Windows has encountered a series of viruses, worms and malicious software attacks, Microsoft also began a so-called Trustworthy Computing (TCG) plans to make their products safer. The plan is one of the results of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), SP2 has won the confidence of IT sector and for XP to become the world's largest deployment of the operating system paved the way.
Trustworthy Computing program is one of the major achievements of Vista's security mechanisms. There is no doubt that, Windows Vista, Microsoft could be described as a release date of the most secure operating system, but the "price" and also expensive, not only some very complicated, many of the basic tasks are accompanied by safety tips such as annoying UAC, But also brought about a series of software incompatibility issues. In other words, Vista users to give up a lot in common practice in XP.

2. Does not have Vista
Many people may have forgotten that when Microsoft launched Windows XP start, it is actually want to change their business model --- operating system from the traditional packaged software into a software purchase, and all users into Subscribers. That is why Microsoft abandoned Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 2000 has always been like this naming convention, but the choice of Windows XP as the operating system's name.
At that time, "XP" on behalf of the "experience" and is also a Microsoft. NET Web services strategy. Microsoft's overall plan is to enable users and business units a year to pay for the "Windows experience" --- as long as you pay the cost of a toll, not only can you use XP, but also access to all software upgrades and updates. Of course, if you do not have to pay, to install on your computer in Windows XP will be banned. That is why a Windows XP product activation.
In 2001, at the same time, Microsoft released Windows XP and Office XP products of the two, and the products include product activation feature, expected to eventually move to order products. However, by the end of 2001, Microsoft Office has given up the concept of ordered products, and Windows XP and Office XP are also quickly returned to the packaged software business model of the traditional product development model.
The use of software products and release incremental upgrade rather than thinking --- every three to five years before a major release of a version of the suite --- is a very good concept. Microsoft is not clear how the normal operation of this business model, after a brief attempt, Microsoft has taken the simplest way to overcome this problem --- return to the traditional model, but with this model is currently in the field of IT The economic and technological reality is no longer a match.

3.Vista too slow
Over the years, many developers and IT professionals have criticized Microsoft's "software surplus" --- the software to add too many changes and functions of the software has become so large and unwieldy. However, this seems to be for Microsoft's software sales did not cause too many negative effects. But Windows Vista, "surplus software" ills finally broke out.
Vista has a more than 50,000,000 lines of code, and XP only when issued in 35,000,000 line, through a series of upgrades, the last of the XP code also is 40,000,000 line. "Expansion of the software" a serious slowdown in the Windows Vista operating speed, particularly when it is running on old hardware devices when. Even so, the latest version of Windows XP is also better than the latest version of Vista faster. If a new computer to run faster than the old computer even slower, who reason is the use?

4.Windows XP impact on people's deep-rooted.
According to the IDC statistics, in 2001, when Windows XP release, the world's approximately 600 million computers using Windows XP, more than 80% of personal computers running Windows operating system, but it is divided into two camps: Windows 95/98 (65%), and Windows NT/2000 (26%). Windows XP is one of the great objectives of integration of Windows 9x and Windows NT code base, Windows XP and in the end to do this.
In 2008, around the world are using computers, 11 million, more than 70% of computers running Windows XP operating system. This means that nearly 8 million computers running Windows XP, which makes it become the most widely installed operating system. So, you want to eliminate Windows XP users to the impact of it is very difficult, especially for those who focus on Windows XP and deployment of integrated applications for the IT sector.
Moreover, whether you believe it or not, Windows XP will in fact in the next few years to expand its market share. Why? The next few years, low-cost portable notebook computers and the Internet this (netbooks) will be flooding the market. Although these inexpensive machines is sufficient to provide users with a comfortable online experience, but for most users, they do not have sufficient resources to run Windows Vista, so they have the option of using Windows XP or Linux. Intel is expected, portable notebook computers and the Internet in this market will develop rapidly in the coming year.

5. Apple's success Apple's "I'ma mac ad campaign can not be said to be a very clever idea, not only the success of the promotion of their products, but also educate individuals," the idea: Windows Vista vulnerability, consumption of resources, Poor ease of use. To put up with Apple in the two years after the attacks, Microsoft has recently taken measures to counterattack, launched a "I'ma PC" ad campaign to defend the honor of the Windows operating system. While the move has the potential to Windows brand as a whole to restore some vitality, but the trend is difficult to save Vista


Some people think, Vista after its release in the actual rate is higher than that of XP, and Vista will eventually replace XP in the enterprise. For this view, I hold opposing views. Users from the Windows 9x or Windows NT/2000 moved to XP is a very good reason of: Windows 9x users look forward to a more stable and secure operating system, and Windows NT/2000 users want better hardware and Software compatibility. In addition, all machines are updated into XP system will also simplify the complexity of system maintenance.
The move from XP to Vista, there is no fundamental drivers. Security can not be a big problem because XP SP2 (or higher version of) the safety and stability of the already very high, most of the effects of the use of the IT sector is pretty good. Microsoft needs to give up every 3-5 years to launch a new operating system, such a strategy, but rather insist on the use of a version of Windows, updated version published on a regular basis, and the new patch Gong. Basically, most of the IT department has ordered Microsoft to establish a pattern of such a business strategy already in place.
If the user does not have to pay subscription fees for their operating system will not be able to further upgrade and should not disable the Windows computer users. Microsoft can and original equipment manufacturers, each new computer to install a time limit the use of the operating system, such as three years. Over the period, if users want to upgrade the system, it is necessary to pay the cost, of course, he can choose not to upgrade.


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