Thursday, November 6, 2008

Preview version of Windows 7 (2)

8. UAC

Filed UAC, but Microsoft has a stomach wronged. Had a good function, has not received the desired effect, but all Windows users were unanimous opposition. However, the wronged wronged, in order to fight for everyone's forgiveness, the new version of Windows 7 is still on the UAC was to improve the depth. In addition to a significant reduction in the number of UAC prompts, but also specifically to provide a small tool to help users customize remind level. This is a new classification shows that UAC.

On this Interface, Windows will remind the whole level, has become divided into four categories. Users according to their own needs, free to select different levels. In addition to each class to remind that were set up outside the menu, Windows 7 a maximum change or turn off UAC, the Security Center will not lead to a further warning. However, the author of the test stand, even if the default is "Only notify me when programs try to make changes to my computer" a rarely see UAC prompts. Therefore, if you do not need too much, or as much as possible to open the UAC function well.


9. Solution Center

In addition to the functional improvements, safety is also a new version of Windows 7, an area of particular concern. And the old version of Vista compared to, Windows 7 biggest change is that the "security center" in order to upgrade "Solution Center". To put it simply, Solution Center includes the following main modules: a firewall, automatic updates, anti-virus modules, spyware, UAC, network access control, Windows Defender, Windows backup, Windows to determine fault, such as automated solutions. Moreover, most of these features is the system idle in a state of auto-complete, users need little manual. Moreover, Solution Center interface has been designed to be very concise. No need to operate the function, usually hidden in a state directly. Only those needed to deal with, or is likely to harm the system, according to the Center for Settlement will be marked-level (different levels of the task will be marked in different colors), it is very easy to operate.

Solution Center

10. Windows Media Player 12

In this version of Windows 7 in, Windows Media Player has been upgraded to version v12. And compared to the previous version, v12 a lot of changes. First of all, the new version will be the first player interface and database management separation. Since then, the two non-interfering mode, only when necessary, through the lower right corner of the key switch, the switch can be completed. Moreover, WMP12 in the interface, greater use of the element of transparency. In the course of play, operating at the bottom of the column will automatically hide, to be able to play left panels show a greater space.
Windows Media Player 12

11. Media Center

In addition to WMP 12, the Media Center for Windows 7 is a key to improve the content. In the new version of Media Center, we can see from television to music, almost all of the player. In addition, there are many innovative features, to join. For example, when viewing pictures can use the "wall picture" view of unification browser, music player can see all at the same time, and so on the record album. What is even more amazing is that when the number of over-wall picture, we can also like the iPod, the picture on the wall and drag a 360-degree view,


12. Taskbar

In Windows 7, canceled in the past in order to display text-based, so that instead of the taskbar icon to become the main characters. This design not only save the taskbar space, but also for the whole panel looks more clean and tidy, has greatly enhanced the task of switching accuracy.


Second, the new version of the Taskbar Thumbnails is also a key aspect of improving. And the Vista version of the taskbar thumbnails compared, Windows 7 in the thumbnails, at the same time be able to show the same procedure more abbreviated group page (for example, use IE to open more than one page). Moreover, the package outside of the semi-transparent thumbnail box has been replaced by the dark. Can be a good solution to the vista, can not see the tips of the embarrassing text.

In addition, user-friendly in order to minimize the procedures for carrying out the operation. The new task bar, each is still on the right side of the taskbar icon, and a shortcut menu. Users can easily through the menu, the completion of some of the most basic operations. This is the new Windows 7 in the "Jump List" function.

13. Libraries

I believe the friends carefully, should have found. The new version of Windows 7 Explorer, and Vista is a big difference compared to have. In addition to the new "Favorites", "Computer", "Network", there is an issue that we had never seen before, the "Libraries" function. To put it simply, the main intelligence database for Windows 7 with the home networking features designed. A total of divided into five categories, namely, Document, Downloads, Music, Pictures and Videos. Its main function is to a number of hard disk (or computer) on the document at the same time to collate the same position (Treasury), with the convenience of Internet users use to share. Of course, in addition to the use of library folder in the upper right corner of the "Locations" function to add new resources away from the path. We can also right-click the icon library, to establish its own intelligence database.


Written on the last

After a brief trial, at the end of this version of Windows 7 have a basic understanding. Have to say is that the leaked version and before, this version of the changes, totally contrary to our surprise. I spent a few hours time, and that only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, in addition to the above changes, the details of the new operating system is also ease of use, new hardware support


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