Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Google Earth" to launch 3D virtual ancient Rome

In the new version of "Google Earth", people will be able to experience a 3D computer version of ancient Rome trip, time and space to allow back in the year 320, enjoy exploring the ancient capital of the Roman Empire, grand and mysterious. Many historians believe that in 320 AD when the ancient Roman Empire in its heyday.

The 3D world is built by Google, users can download for free. In this virtual city of ancient Rome, the user can be on the most central square in the Colosseum Xianting walk or leap Constantine Arch. 3D ancient Rome, the city's reconstruction have been building, the location is decided according to historical records, it can be said that it perfectly recreates the ancient city at the same time the largest and most importantly, the capital.

Google said, 3D city on the ancient Roman historians, students and school-age children have immeasurable value, but also for tourists "resurrection" of the city. While some cities - such as San Francisco and Munich - as well as the well-known landmarks are to be in the form of 3D reconstruction, but a user can stay in the ancient city is the first time. So far, only 300 of the original ancient Roman ruins are still standing there. Google's computer model is based on the period of Constantine the Great scholars and experts in the reconstruction of the 6700 building. Automatic out of the "information bubble" around the city of ancient Rome to provide 250 additional details of the location.

University of Virginia Humanities Research Institute senior person in charge伯纳德弗里希(BernardFrische) participated in the virtual city of ancient Rome's "construction". He said: "This project is the academics, architects and artists from the Renaissance onwards for up to 5 continuation of a century of research, they tried to use words, drawings and paintings in the reconstruction of the ruins of the ancient city. And "Google Earth" in co-operation to create a virtual time machine in the same way as a step forward, our next generation, as well as under the next generation will use it to study the history of Rome. "

3D reconstruction of the ancient Roman city by Google, "Rome plans to recover" and "have made it the perfect" (PastPerfectProductions) jointly completed. The virtual world is based on model-maker and archaeologists from 1933 to 1974 to create inter-entity model - PlasticodiRomaAntica, the entity model is a collection of the Museum in Rome. Ancient Rome's largest building is located in the center of the Colosseum, which can accommodate up to 80,000 audience Gladiator between life and death. In addition to the Colosseum, we can also see the virtual model of Trajan column triumph - is located in a central square of the monument 125 feet high - and as explorers to visit the same Gladiator "training school" LudusMagnus.

GianniAlemanno mayor of Rome said: "3D city of ancient Rome to rediscover the importance of the culture of ancient Rome provided a valuable opportunity. Ancient Roman culture in Italy, Europe and the whole basis of the Western world." Since June 2005 has been officially launched, Now more than 400,000,000 Internet users to download "Google Earth."


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