Monday, November 3, 2008

Google Knol start to support other languages

Oct. 30, Google Knol quietly three languages on international lines, are the French, German and Italian, three languages and will be the original English as the default language of work in parallel.

According to the Google Blog, similar to the Wikipedia Web services, to encourage users to create various types of content. Knol is by a number of professionals in the field of the authority of the written on this topic in the field of the article.

GoogleKnol Wikipedia and there are two major differences.

First of all, for users, Knol was signed to provide content, and Wikipedia is providing anonymity.

Secondly, Knol users belong to paid services, providing access to content revenue.

Google, said users in accordance with the principle of voluntary, knol may contain AdSense ads. If users choose to include in the form of advertising, Google will share revenue with content authors.

Knol seems to be the new model more attractive, but compared to Wikipedia, Knol easier to encounter copyright issues. Google because it directly in the Knol page on the sale of advertising, but also with "New Yorker" magazine, signed a cooperation agreement.

Experts in the article as a selling point for the development of Google Knol to the present, still do not have much influence. Of course, is fair to say that. Knol released up to now only 4 months time, we can not expect too much.


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