Thursday, November 13, 2008

YouTube search advertising platform push

YouTube said it would launch a Sponsored Videos, called the new ad platform.

According to YouTube, said through Sponsored Videos advertising platform, users can bid for keywords to promote video content.

Whether individuals or enterprises, as long as YouTube users will be able to choose sites they want to search through the promotion of video content; goal and then bid for keywords.

Google has developed automated tools to help users automatically to the network auction keyword bidding, and set the budget. When the user in the video after the keyword search box, YouTube will be displayed next to search results pages related to video. For example, the user is a Hollywood film studio, it is possible to bid for "movie trailers" keywords.

Through the sale of keyword search service YouTube is a good idea. It represents the online advertising industry is one of the most important concept is that Google ads building. Then, YouTube Why use a similar strategy this? YouTube users visit each month up to 80,000,000, has always hoped to find a way to generate income. This year, Google CEO Eric Schmidt has said on many occasions, YouTube does not have expected the company's revenue.


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