Saturday, November 1, 2008

Financial crisis impact on Intel

Intel President and CEO Otellini on the 28th night in Beijing that began two years ago, thanks to Intel's reorganization plan, the financial crisis on the impact of Intel's much smaller than other companies.Wall Street financial crisis, in the end to the real economy have much impact on all walks of life have become a hot topic in the PC and server industry dominated by Intel's is no exception. Prior to that, many technology-based companies have reduced revenue expectations, financial investors are not excited, some companies have even started the job cuts to reduce costs, such as the self-help plan.The financial turmoil in the background, Intel's recently released third quarter financial results is thriving. Reported its revenues and profits are up to the expectations of analysts, can not see the financial crisis on the impact of Intel, Intel's financial crisis is also a negative impact "not yet time"? Otellini said that "Intel is very good posture, be able to withstand the storm, the crisis of the impact of Intel's smaller than the other."Otellini said Intel will be able to withstand the financial crisis is due to Intel two years ago in a series of layoffs and restructuring plans, the company's profit was very good, "then I do not foresee in the global economy will Down, but before the fall, we have done a self-adjusting, making Intel's crisis comes at a very good situation, be able to withstand the storm. "Otellini also said Intel in China and plans to invest around the world will continue to be carried out as planned, will not change.27 to 29, Intel CEO Otellini as CEO began his fifth visit to China since the trip. 28, Otellini to Dalian for the first time, to inspect their own investment decisions 2,500,000,000 U.S. dollars of Intel's Dalian plant


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