Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Intel Core 2 - security flaws

According to well-known network security group OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt said that the Intel Core 2 Duo processor (Core 2 CPU) in April this year before all products produced contains an alarming number of security flaws, and Intel did not provide enough relevant Message to the developers.

Theo de Raadt said in a message last week on this issue Mengliao the attack: "These processors have terrible problems, some of which will not only bring development / programming problems, certainly not in the use of . I do not think Intel on the impact of these deficiencies are correct assessment of some of the problems will really have serious repercussions. "Theo de Raadt is based on Intel in May published" survey error ", as well as his OpenBSD operating Core 2 Duo systems on a chip testing operation made the comments.

Intel recently released a BIOS patch to address some of these deficiencies, but did not disclose whether there are any unresolved, as well as those who do not need to re-design can be repaired.

Intel spokesman declined to comment on de Raadt comment on the accusations, but said, "I want to say is that we have very strict internal verification and testing procedures. By the same token, our OEM and channel torch has its own testing procedures, we will To help them study and solve every problem. Since 1994, we have published the wrong survey form, I do not think that other semiconductor companies to do this. "

However, according to de Raadt said that Intel's refusal to allow open source developers and small systems builders know that the survey form and details of the deficiencies of the progress of repair. On the other hand, AMD transparent in this regard.

The allegations de Raadt, the system builders, researchers, including "Linux, the father of" Linus Torvalds, and other open source heavyweights are cautious about this. "Almost all of the CPU will have errata, and has become a commodity of the CPU to display the product than would normally be much less," Torvalds in such a forum in response to de Raadt.

And an Intel and AMD have a close and cooperative relations between the university researchers may think that de Raadt on the issue of "excessive reaction", "When they say a wrong 'solution through the BIOS', that is usually through micro-code solution . Intel and AMD do not like to admit that the number of processors to change behavior through micro-code, "the study asked not to be named said. "But some seem very serious mistake in practice is not really that serious. I have read a processor errata, the above error in theory could lead to hang processor, and there is no solution. But this Such a situation has never been found. The only bug in a special simulation of the harsh environment to test the chip was found when the testing. "

System builders say in the delivery of Intel Core 2 Duo processor BIOS patch does not exist has been a problem. "Whenever problems arise, we will require Intel to provide assistance. So far, we have to cooperate and Intel does not have any problems. Encounter problems every time we go to their Web site to download the necessary patches." LCF Advanced Technology boss Daniel Lo said.

Columbus Micro Systems and Products Director Dylan Fraser said so far he has come across the Core 2 Duo chip believe that the only problem is Microsoft's problem. Fraser said, "If you received in April after the new BIOS, it Will solve this problem. I have a new BIOS release when Intel has received the notification email. I am not worried. "


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