Sunday, November 2, 2008

SEO rookie needs to master the basic skills

SEO rookie needs to master the basic skills are as follows:
Make sure your Web site navigation is in the form of html links. All pages should have a wide range of Internet, If you can not achieve this, consider the establishment of a site map.
Web site's home page (home or index page, etc.) should be in the form of text, not flash, and so on. The text inside the goal you want to include keywords or target phrase.
'title' '/title' This is the title of the label, there should be included in your most important goal of keywords.
Meta Tags
'description tag' (label description) and 'keyword tag' (Keywords tab) should contain your target keywords or phrases goals, but do not repeat.
Alt Tags
Web site of an important picture, such as: logo, photo, picture navigation, and so on, it is necessary to add a simple description.
Keywords text
Your site should contain a number of high keyword density of the page. However, this approach should not over-use or else they would be treated as a search engine is cheating and counter-productive.
Submit to the search engine
Please do not use automated submission software or services. In fact, there is no need to hundreds of search engines to submit your URL. The main search engine and directory occupied 90% of search traffic. Manual of the few familiar with the warmest regards to the search engine to submit your site enough, that you can not spend a few minutes.
And peer-Link site, content, PR value than their high-best site.


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