Saturday, November 1, 2008

Internet giant to reach a common code of practice relating to freedom of expression

"The Wall Street Journal" reported that science and technology and the Internet giant Google (GOOG.O), Microsoft (MSFT.O) and Yahoo (YHOO.O) is about to announce Tuesday that they have limited freedom of speech on how to reach a national business Set of common code.
Prior to that criticism, which restricted freedom of expression in the country to help the Government to review the implementation of the system.
Several major Internet companies over the past two years to develop a new code requirements, whether they are located where they must be committed to the user's confidential information, and to "conservative interpretation and implementation of government invasion of privacy requirements."
These enterprises to enter the market of a country, must also be the country's private information protection of freedom of speech and conduct an assessment of the situation, enterprise executives and board members must conduct comprehensive risk.
Among the social groups involved in the formulation and documentation, such as "the first human rights" and "protection of the reporters committee," the human rights organization, "Democracy and Technology Center" and "corporate social responsibility" and other non-profit organizations.
Documents, three companies have agreed to submit to the new code; the Code by an independent expert to monitor implementation.


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