Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Internet Space

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced today that the first time scientists imitate the space of the Internet communications network. NASA "Jet Propulsion Laboratory" (JPL) engineers use of "tolerance intermittent communication network" (DTN) software, 20,000,000 miles away from Earth and space probes back and forth between the transfer of dozens of pieces of space images.

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is responsible for Outer Space Network in charge of research Adrian Hooke, said: "This is the performance of building a sound first step in interplanetary Internet."

Researchers from the start of the month-long experiment DTN, they take shape of the use of "space communications network," twice a week for data transmission. "Outer space communications network" A total of 10 nodes, is a fly in space are the "Deep Impact" probe and the other nine nodes in Pasadena, California, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory," were simulated orbiter, the Mars landing , And the ground control center.

"TCP / IP, the father", Google vice president Vint Cerf and NASA researchers, after 10 years of research, making an agreement DTN software is getting more sophisticated, DTN transmission of information with the widespread use of the Internet's TCP / IP protocol different. Scientists said that in comparison with ordinary Internet, "interplanetary Internet" must be able to withstand space data transmission when the frequency of delays and disruption dropped. For example, when space probes to the planet to run or hit the back of strong solar wind, transmission failures will occur at any time. DTN in the transfer agreement, if the purpose of the path not found, the packet will not be lost, each network node will be maintained until the information with the security transfer to another node, which is similar to the basketball game, players can also pass the ball until Shooting.

From the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that in the future will be a series of experiments and software to improve the DTN, a new generation of software DTN planned for the summer of next year the International Space Station. In the next few years, "interplanetary Internet" will be applied to a number of tasks in space, astronauts land on the moon in the future will provide a reliable network communications services.


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